Adele cannot record the fourth album, because "too happy"


Ballads Adele about a broken heart, partings and tragic love have long become a "calling card" of the singer - in the past she has repeatedly recognized that when writing songs drew inspiration from his own not too happy past experience in relations. However, now Adel is exclusively happy in the relationship and brings up a wonderful son - so inventing sad texts to her much more difficult.

"Adel told me that she had difficulty writing songs for the fourth album," explained Fatboy Slim. "" I wrote my best songs when I had a depression, "she said," And now I am very happy "."

Fatboy slim singer fully supports (albeit does not consider depression as the best source of inspiration for creativity) - and, by the way, he himself did not please the fans with new music since 2010, although now, according to his own words, it works on a new hit with some "incredibly Popular "pop star. Details about their coming Fatboy Slim's coming composition, in contrast to the details of the creative experiences Adele, the share has refused.

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