Fans of "Games of Thrones" criticized Kameo Ed Shiran


In one of the scenes 1 series of the 7th season of the Games of the Thrones, Maei Williams is celebrating Ed Shiran's character and he sings the song, which Arya Stark will not recognize. When she speaks about it, the hero answers, looking straight into the camera - "This is a new song."

This moment could be called an interesting "Easter" if it were not so obvious (at least Ed Shiran would not look right into the camera). The discardness of the scene of some fans of the "Games of Thrones" was refused:

"I believed in the dragons, gods and army of the dead, but Ed Shiran, turning towards the camera to say" this new song "- it was a little too much"

"I have to listen to the songs of Ed Shiran 67 times on the day, because nothing else on the radio is not twisted, and now even in the" game of the throne "from him not to go anywhere"

"I'm during the scene with EDA Shiran"

"Good morning everyone, except for Kameo Ed Shiran in the" Game of Thrones ""

"The first episode" Game of Thrones "was excellent, but Kameo Ed Shiran - too cheap!"

"What is ED Shiran doing in the" Game of Thrones "? Who is next, Adele? "

"No matter how I loved the music of Ed Shiran, I hated his appearance in the" Game of Thrones ". He completely spoiled the dive in the series. I do not want to see him anymore "

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