Before Dunkirkom: All you need to know about the new film Christopher Nolana


Country : United States / United Kingdom / France

Year of issue : 2017 (release date July 20, 2017)

Duration : The film lasts 1 hour 46 minutes

Producer : Christopher Nolan

Actors : Tom Hardy, Mark Rielanx, Kenneth Brahn, Killian Murphy, James D'Arci, Barry Keogan, Jack Louden, Elliott Tittensor, Harry Stiles, Kevin Gharit

For "Dunkirk" Christopher Nolan will receive a record fee

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Warner Bros. In the success of Nolana's films I am confident (in the end, its previous projects brought the studio hundreds of millions of dollars profits), so I went to a practically an unprecedented deal with the director. For Dunkirk, Nolan will receive a fee in the amount of 20 million dollars and 20% of the amount of cash receipses. For comparison, on average today directors receive a film from 750 thousand to 1.5 million dollars depending on their "track record".

Christopher Nolan personally wrote the script, served and made the producer "Dunkirk"

Dunkirk - "Single Swimming" Christopher Nolan, who usually works with his brother, Jonathan. Nolan was preparing for the creation of a film for many years (the events of Dynamo operations, he became interested in his youth, more than 20 years ago), and Dunkirk will be the first for the director film based on historical events.

Dunkirk is based on real events

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In Hollywood, they love to shoot films about the events of the Second World War, but Dunkirk Nolana is an exception, because the events of Dynamo operations are important, first of all, for the British, but not for Americans. You can interpret this operation completely differently (someone calls the events of the Dunkirk operation by evacuation, and someone - a shameful retreat), briefly happened as follows: during the operation, more than 300,000 English, French and Belgian soldiers were evacuated by the Sea deposited by the Germans Cities Dunkirk. German Generals Guderian and Manstein subsequently recalled her as a gross mistake of Hitler. The British to this day call it "miracle with Dunkirk".

In Dunkirk, they will show what is happening from three sides - from the ground, air and the sea

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In the Nolan military drama, we are waiting for the unusual reception of the "trilateral" narration - evacuation events will be covered with three different sides, the eyes of those who participated in air surgery, from the sea and on land. It is especially interesting that the three of these aspects are very different in time: airplanes above Dunkirk could stay in the air only 1 hour due to limited fuel reserve; For ships that went to Dunkirk, the entire operation took about a day; Those who waited for salvation on the beach were in captivity of events for almost a week.

"Dunkirk" is distinguished by a very young custom

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In Dunkirk, quite ripe stars - Christopher Nolan again worked with the "veterans" of his films Tom Hardy and Killian Murphy, and also invited Kenneth Barna and Mark Rylence. However, the key role in the picture is played by very young actors - 20-year-old Fian Whitehead, 22-year-old Tom Mlinn Carney and 23-year-old Harry Stiles, who, in fact, is not at all the actor, but a singer (a member of the One Direction pop group).

"Dunkirk" produces an incredible impression, but this is a completely different film of Nolana. Be sure to look at IMAX. Tom Hardy has 10 replicas, and he is stunning. And yes, imagine, Harry Stiles can really play! "

Dunkirk - the first for 15 years of Nolana's film without Michael Kane

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If we mentioned "veterans", then the first should be called Michael Kane, with whom Christopher Nolan works without a break for 15 years now - since 2002 (the legendary British actor appeared at Nolan in "Prestige", the trilogy "Dark Knight", "Beginning" and "InterSelllar"). It's hard to imagine the film of Nolana without Michael Kane, but Dunkirk turned out to be exactly the same - and possibly Nolan and Kane will still delight us with a surprise-kameo, although in the main narration of the place for Michael was not found.

Soundtrack to Dunkirku wrote Hans Zimmer

The first track from "Dunkirk" from Zimmer - Supermarine

Another "veteran" of Nolana films - Hans Zimmer, who wrote soundtracks to the "beginning", "Dark Knight", "InterStellar", and now - and to "Dunkirk". A recognized wizard to push the voltage using orchestral arrangements, Zimmer once again coped with the task - film critics noted that the soundtrack from the composer causes the audience "Dunkirk" almost "nibble nails" from Suspense.

Dunkirk was filmed under the IMAX

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Just going to shoot "Dunkirk", Christopher Nolan wanted to achieve full immersion - so that the audience felt like a part of the film. For this, Dunkirk was shot specifically for IMAX cinemas, and film critics, who had already managed to watch a film, unanimously recommend to go to Dunkirk only in IMAX.

"If someone is interesting, I thought from the very beginning that Dunkirk is headlong above all the other films of this year. Purest, ideal cinema. Sea, sky and Raillys.

Dunkirk starred with a minimum of computer effects

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Visual effects are fully created using computer technologies - for the modern film industry, the givenness, but Christopher Nolan rejoices us with maximum realism. In Dunkirk, computer effects will be minimum - specially for shooting Nolan used the most real aircraft and ships of the Epoch of World War II (for example, French FRENCH T-47 Class).

"Dunkirk" is not a film about war

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Yes, Dunkirk is based on the real events of the Second World War, but Christopher Nolan himself emphasizes that his new project is not a film about war at all. Nolan himself tried to remove the "Dunkirk" as a story about the very young soldiers who were trapped and try to survive - and not as some kind of epic canvas about the world war. It is precisely an aspect of survival and the evacuation process will be in the center of the narration in Dunkirk, so it's not worth waiting for scenes of large-scale battles.

"Dunkirk" - one of Nolana shortest films

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The duration of the picture is only 107 minutes - more than modestly by the standards and modern Hollywood blockbusters, which, as a rule, are over 2 hours, and the nolan itself. Dunkirk is the shortest film director since 1998 and its very first painting, "persecution", the duration of which was a little more than an hour. Dialogues in Dunkirk is also very small, and this is a conscious Nolan solution: the communication deficit should create a feeling of misunderstanding and panic from the audience.

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