Critics defeated "fifty shades darker"


On the portal-aggregator reviews Rotten Tomatoes rating "Fifty-shades darker" from professional critics is 10% (on the weekend it fell to 8%). The average evaluation of the film on a ten-ball scale - 3.4 (the rating is based on 115 reviews from professional film critics).

The cash charges "fifty shades are darker" confirm the fact that Sikwell failed to exceed the original: in the premiere weekend the film earned only 46 million dollars in the US, while Last Year "Fifty shades of gray" in the premiere weekend gathered 85 million. The total fees "fifty shades are darker" in the world after the first weekend, the rental is 146 million dollars.

The main claim of critics to "fifty shades is darker" is a very weak plot that resembles the "old good soap opera." "The adaptation of the Roman E. L. James is trying to set unhealthy relationships as something deep and penetrated, but instead forces the audience or laugh, or to curl."

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