Beauty Secrets: Beauty Blenders


In this review, I decided to compare the beauty of popular brands and find out if there is a difference because the scatter in price is tangible.

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№1 Pink sponge Inglot 1200rub

№2 Sponge H & M 299rub

№3 Original The Original Beautyblender OK. 800rub

№4 MANLY PRO 490rub

№5 Make Up Blender from №1 299rub


The starting point will be considered the quality of the original beauty, it is moderately soft and elastic, it makes good cosmetics and absorbs the average amount of tone. Before use, it must be wet and squeeze. The photo shows that the surface in small irregularities, the sponge has an egg shape with a sharp tip. Although in a wet form it increases in size, it remains convenient for working with the orbital region.

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Sponge from Inglot is much smoother.

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Almost does not increase when wetting, the tip is shorter and thicker. Very dense, requires effort in compression and completely unsuitable for work: Feels like pink brick to face. Does not extinguish the tone, but sinks it with stripes on the skin. Disappointment.

Bottic H & M is much increased wet, the tip is too stupid to work around the eyes. Soft, but very elastic, tougher original. Absorbs a lot of cosmetics and it is difficult to wash it, but all the shortcomings are faded against the background of advantages: perfectly extinguish the tone, erases the pores, literally "polishes" the skin. It is better to take it for dense tonal means.

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The kid from Manly Pro is just a miracle: soft and gentle, perfectly inflicts cosmetics, easily ished. Unfortunately, too thick for the neat study of the zone around the eyes, but the skin works perfectly.

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Another lizer, the place which is in the garbage - sponge from the brand Rive Gosh "No. 1". Black brick, similar to inglot. Something is solid and unfit to work.

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Sponge kiko unusual shape, one tip oval, second cut by semicircle. The last one is convenient to work under the eyes, it is easy to get to the line of eyelashes. Very soft, very swelling in the water. Gives a dense coating, the pores does not hide. Absorbs some cosmetics and is easy to clean. In general, it deserves 4 points and 5, not the best and not last in the review.

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And the winner of the review was this baby from H & M for 199rup. He did not hit the overall shoot, because it was bought later.

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The size is less than others, has a bullet form.

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A gentle sponge for the zone around the eyes, the elongated tip gently cries all the wpads and stretches the most dense tone. It is impossible to create a mask on the face, only the finest coverage. With him, I finally abandoned the brush and return to it, only if you need to paint serious redness. Surprisingly durable, does not break, no holes on the surface with frequent washing. It can be used in dry form for a more dense coating.

Photo: Kira izuru.

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