Madonna showed the first photo of the prolonged twins from Malawi


"I can officially confirm that I completed the process for the adoption of twin sisters from Malawi, and I am insanely happy that they became part of my family. I incredibly grateful to all people in Malawi, who helped me in this, and I only want to ask the media to respect my right to a personal life in this transitional period. Thanks to my friends, family and my big team for your support and love. "He writes Madonna in his Instagram.

For another half a year ago, the star thought about becoming a receptional mother. It turns out that the first photos of 4-year-old Stella and Esther Madonna published even then - in the hope that he can adopt them. The process took several months for which Madonna managed to introduce his relatives with future family members. Recall that in addition to native children - the daughters of Lourdes and the son of Rocco - the singer raises the adoptive daughter of Mercy James and the adoptive son of David Gang.

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