TV program for today, February 6, 2017, for all channels


TV program on February 6, 2017 on the first channel

05:00 TV channel "Good morning"

09:00 News

09: 20Tequered "Good Morning"

09:50 Live great!

10:55 Fashionable sentence

12:00 News with subtitles

12:15 alone with everyone

13: 20 years will show

14:00 News

14:15 Time will show

15:00 News with subtitles

15:15 Time will show

16:00 Male / Female

17:00 Let's get married!

18:00 Direct Information Channel "First Studio"

20:00 "Let them say" with Andrei Malakhov

21:00 Time

21:35 Grechany (33rd and 34th series)

23: 20VEECHNY Urgant

23:50 Posner (Anatoly Maximov)

00:55 Night News

01:10 First Studio

02:35 Invalid

03:00 News

03:05 Invalid

04:30 Control Purchase

TV program on February 6, 2017 in Russia 1

05: 00Utro Russia

09:00 Vesti

09: 15Utro Russia

09:55 About the most important thing

11:00 Vesti

11:40 Vesti. The local time

11:55 Kamenskaya-2 ("Men's Games", part 3rd)

13:00 Kamenskaya-2 ("Men's Games", part 4th)

14:00 Vesti

14:40 Vesti. The local time

14:55 Secrets of the investigation-7 ("The best way to protect", 1st and 2nd series)

17:00 Vesti

17: 20 Event. The local time

17:40 live ether

18:50 60 minutes

20:00 Vesti

20:45 News. The local time

21:00 Osin Nest (1st series)

22:10 Osin Nest (2nd series)

23:15 Evening with Vladimir Solovyov

01:45 Brigade (11th series)

02:50 Dar (61st series)

TV program on February 6, 2017 on NTV

05:10 Lawyer (old scores)

06:00 today

06:05 Mysterious Russia

07:00 Business Morning NTV

08:05 Return Mukhtara-2 ("Pushkin and Grandma". "High window")

10:00 Today

10:25 Palace ("Bombing", 1st and 2nd series)

12:00 Jury Court

13:00 Today

13:25 Review. Emergency

14:00 Meeting place

16:00 Today

16:35 Streets of broken lamps-14 (letter of happiness)

17:40 "We speak and show." Talk Show with Leonid Zakoshansky

18:40 Review. Emergency

19:00 today

19:40 Cuba (1st and 2nd series)

21:30 Case of honor (1st and 2nd series)

23:35 Results of the day

00:05 Pozdnyakov

00:15 Wear Syndbad ("Path to West", 5 series)

01:10 Meeting place

02:45 Live legend

03:30 Judicial detective

04:25 Patrol (Love, Fire and Bolivar)

TV program on February 6, 2017 on TV Center

05:15 "My hero" with Tatiana Ustinova

06:00 Mood

08: 10Ultimatum

09:40 Thin stuff

11:30 Events

11:50 "Postscriptum" with Alexey Pushkov

12:55 "In the center of events" with Anna Prokhorova

13:55 Cover (Resenting Erdogan)

14:30 Events

14:50 City of News

15:15 Urban Assembly

16:00 Secrets of our cinema (seventeen moments of spring)

16:35 Natural selection (chips with sour cream and onions)

17:30 Oh, ma-urine! (9th and 10th series)

19:30 Events

20:00 The right of voting

21:45 Petrovka, 38

22:00 Events

22:30 "Selfiece voices." Specfood

23:05 Without cheating. Choosing cottage cheese!

00:00 Events. 25th hour

00:30 Horseman without a head

02:35 Kvirk (2nd series)

TV program on February 6, 2017 on the Culp channel

07:00 Euronews

10:00 Culture News

10:15 Observer

11:15 Investigation of the Commissioner Megre (Megre, Lokon and Gangsters)

12:45 Life line (to the 65th anniversary of Viktor Proskurina)

13:40 Time color (Jean-Etienne Liotar)

13:50 Lady Visit (1st series)

15:00 Culture News

15:10 Lady Visit (2nd series)

16: 20 Moiseev. I remember ... Gastrol Life Long (Films 1st and 2nd)

17: 20lines. On the border with barbarians

17:35 Martha Argeryich and Daniel Barenboim

18:30 Creators of formulas and sonnets (1st series)

19:15 Good night, kids!

19:30 Culture News

19:45 Main role

20:05 Sati. Optical classic ... (with Hibley Gearing)

20:45 Lifest rules (release of February 6)

21:10 Valentin Kurbatov. An unexpected portrait (film 1st - "Yuri Seliverstov")

21:40 "Meanwhile" with Alexander Arkhangelsk (Regional Culture: Resource or Development Brake?)

22:25 Life line

23:15 Improved time (dancing under the "music of the revolution")

23:45 Culture News

00: 00ходстов

00:05 »Kinescope» With Peter Shepotinic (Modern French Cinema)

00:50 Documentary chamber (man in the hall)

01:30 Time color (Albrecht Durer. "Melancholia")

01:40 Observer

02:40 Alexander Rudin, Victor Tretyakov and chamber ensemble "Moscow soloists"

Telephone for February 6, 2017 on the channel Match TV

06:30 Double

07:00 News

07:05 All on the match!

07:55 Winter Universiade 2017. Skiing. Relay race. Women. Live broadcast from Kazakhstan

08:55 News

09:00 All for the match!

09:30 News

09:35 Sports reporter

10:05 Universiad Diary

10:25 Winter Universiade 2017. Skiing. Relay race. Men. Live broadcast from Kazakhstan

12:00 News

12:05 Everything for the match!

12:35 Football. Championship of England

14:35 dozen!

14:55 News

15:00 Everything for the match!

16:00 Boxing in the blood

17:00 Professional boxing. Best fighting Russian professionals

18:55 Continental evening

19:25 hockey. KHL. Live broadcast ("HC Sochi" - Torpedo (Nizhny Novgorod))

21:55 Sports reporter

22:15 »Manchester United. Tragedy in sports history

22:45 Special Report (Sports Conspiracy)

23:15 Everything for the match!

00: 00Football. Friendly Match (Lokomotiv "(Russia) -" Sandeurus "(Denmark))

01:55 sacrificing pawn

04:05 Filty city

TV program on February 6, 2017 on the CTC channel

05:10 Elash

05:30 Music on the STS

06:00 Yelalash

06: 20 Barboskina

06:45 Funny stories

07:15 Holiday Kung Fu Panda

07:35 Dragons: Ollha Defenders

08:30 Roof of the world

09:30 Gnomeo and Juliet

11:05 Treasure nation. Tyne book

13:30 Kitchen

16:00 Voronina

18:00 Premiere! "Voroniny"

20:00 Premiere! "Moms"

21:00 Mr. and Mrs Smith

23: 20uraral dumplings (favorite)

23:30 "Cinema in detail" with Fedor Bondarchuk

00:30 Ural dumplings (favorite)

01:00 Londongrad. Know ours!

02:00 Call of the Sea

04:05 Ship

TV program on February 6, 2017 on channel Ren TV

05:00 Strange case

06:00 Documentary project


08:30 News

09:00 "Military mystery" with Igor Prokopenko (1st part)

11:00 Documentary project (good trolls of the Universe)

12:00 Information Program 112

12:30 News

13:00 Sawn dinner

14:00 Defender

15:55 Information Program 112

16:30 News

17:00 Secrets Chapman

18:00 Most shocking hypotheses

19:00 Information Program 112

19:30 News

20:00 Solomon Kane

22:00 Led in Russian

23:00 News

23:25 Piranha 3D.

01:10 The most shocking hypotheses

02:10 Strange case

03:10 Secrets Chapman

04:00 "Territory of delusions" with Igor Prokopenko

TV program on February 6, 2017 on the TNT channel

05:25 In the field of view (13th series - "4C")

06:15 Sasha + Masha (54th series - "got")

07: 00Chopashki-Ninja (77th series)

07:30 Women's League: Guys, Money and Love (20th series)

08: 00 Specresses lead the investigation (76th series)

09:00 House-2. Lite.

10:30 House-2. Wedding per million

11:30 Comedy Club (477th series)

12:00 Comedy Club (481th series)

13:00 Comedy Club (482th series)

14:00 Comedy Club (483th series)

14:30 Comedy Club (484th series)

15:00 Comedy Club (479th series)

16:00 Comedy Club (480th series)

17:00 Comedy Club (476th series)

18:00 Comedy Club (525th series)

19:00 Comedy Club (526th series)

19:30 Comedy Club (526th series)

20:00 Adaptation (1st series)

20:30 Adaptation (2 Series)

21:00 Bachelor party in Vegas

23:00 House-2. City of love

00:00 House-2. Wedding per million

01:00 Such a movie! (148th series)

01:30 Terribly loud and expectively close

04:00 Bachelor Party in Vegas

Telephone for February 6, 2017 on a domestic channel

05: 156 frames

05:30 Jamie: Lunch for 15 minutes (23rd and 24th series)

06:30 Jamie: Lunch in 15 minutes (25th and 26th series)

07:30 Home cooking (81st series - "Tatyana Kravchenko")

08:00 6 frames

08:10 for juvenile affairs (485th - 487th series)

11:10 Let's divert! (193 - 195th series)

14:10 Podlidyshi (15th and 16th series)

16:05 Female Doctor (31st and 32 Series)

18:00 Jury Beauty (11th series - "Chikovani")

19:00 Women's Doctor (33 and 34th series)

20:50 Podkinyshi (film 9th - "be strong", 17th and 18 series)

22:50 Rublevo-Biryulyovo (35th series - "gray")

23:55 6 Frames

00: 006 frames

00:30 Hope as a testimony of life (1st - 4th series)

04: 00 Effect Matrona (14th series - "Hope History Avdeeva")

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