In "Fantastic Twars 2" will appear to "Harry Potter"


Action in the sequel "fantastic creatures", we will remind, unfold in 1927, a few months after Newta Scamman managed to detect and neutralize Grindevald. The main characters will be Dumbledore (Judi Low) and Grindevald (Johnny Depp) - it is the opposition of two former friends (which, judging by the "Batman against Superman", "People of X: Apocalypse" and "First Avenger: the confrontation" became fashionable back in 2016 ) It will be in the center of the plot.

Although the events will occur in the "fantastic twars of 2" long before the future of the future boy, who survived, the film creators promise many "reference-surprises" to different films "Poterians".

"The film expands the borders of the magic world, transferring viewers from New York to London and Paris," says official comments. "The film will have a number of reference to the histories of Harry Potter, which will delight fans and books, and films of the series."

Find out what it will be for references, we will be able to in November 2018, when the second film series "Fantastic creatures and where they dwell" will appear in cinemas.

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