Marvel Chapter hinted on the appearance of Blade in the filmmaker MCU


"It seems to me that it would be cool," answered the files to the question of the potential appearance of Blade in MCU. "I started working in Marvel 17 years ago, and the modern era of superhero films has identified two events. One of them is the launch of movies about the people of X. But a few years before that, Blade came out. A character that few people knew suddenly led to the appearance of a successful franchise. For me, it became a great lesson - it doesn't matter how well people a character is familiar, much more important how cool the film turned out. Many years later, for this reason, we removed the "Guards of the Galaxy" and "Dr. Strange". It seems to me that Blade is now a cult hero, and I think it would be interesting to come up with something with his participation. "

Wesley Snipes, who played Blade at one time, not so long ago hinted in an interview that it was not going to return to this role - and it all depends on Marvel. The first "Blade" went on rent almost 20 years ago, in 1998, and collected $ 131 million in the rental - enough to determine the emergence of two sequels with shared trilogy fees of 415 million.

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