Five minutes of nostalgia: what was "Oscar" 10 years ago


Leonardo Dicaprio before his first "Oscar" remained nine years

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Beyonce and Jennifer Hudson performed on Oscar the song "Love You i do" from the movie "Dream Girls"

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Helen Mirren for his role in the "Queen" received Oscar as the best actress

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Will Smith came to Oscar -2007 with his wife Jady Pinkett-Smitht, then I have not thought about any kind of boycogs, and a very young son Jaden.

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Nicole Kidman photographed with Abigail Breslin

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

George Clooney announced nominees in one of the categories.

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Celine Dion performed on the stage "Oscar" -2007 "I KNEW I LOVED YOU"

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Nicole Kidman and Meryl Strip perfectly spent time on the red carpet.

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

The stars "The Devil wears Prada" Emily Blunt and Ann Hathaway were held by his arms on stage.

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Stephen Spielberg photographed Ellen Degensheres with the clint Eastwood.

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Maggie Gillanholl and Peter Sarsgaard exchanged in love with his eyes on a red carpet.

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Jennifer Hudson received Oscar as the best actress of the second plan for the role in the "dream girls"

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Young Mark Walberg with his wife

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Mark Anthony takes pictures then another spouse (and besides pregnant twins Max and Emma) Jennifer Lopez

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Jessica BIL and fantastically young looking James McAvoy announced nominees in one of the categories

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Queen Latifa and John Travolta presented Oscar in the category "Best Original Song"

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Beyonce and Gwyneth Paltrow have fun on a red carpet

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Forest Whitaker received Oscar for the role in the "last king of Scotland"

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Cameron Diaz perfectly looked brown.

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Toby Maguire led to Oscar -2007 then another spouse Jennifer Meyer

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Celine Dion and Kate Winslet passed together on the red carpet

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Jack Nicholson and Diane Kiton handed Oscar for the best film "Apostate"

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Kate Blanchett talks with Ryan Gosling and his mom

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Leonardo Dicaprio and Mark Wahlberg fools in the auditorium

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Penelope Cruz arrived at Oscar, accompanied by a monica sister

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Michael Skolsuez received Oscar as the best director for "apostates"

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Ayla Fisher and Sasha Baron Cohen posed like a couple on a red carpet

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Naomi Watts and Robert Downey Jr. presented one of the awards

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

No jokes from Ellen Degens - leading "Oscar"

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Jack Black, John Si Rieli and Will Ferrell pleased the viewers of Oscar with the music number

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Reese Witherspoon presented Forest Utacher "Oscar" as a better actor

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Colleagues on "Man-Spider" Toby Maguire and Kirsten Dunst together handed one of the awards

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

Ryan Gosling led Mama and Sister on the Red Track.

Five minutes of nostalgia: what was

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