Daughter Kim Kardashian and Kanye West arranged a hysteria in the White House


Not so long ago, a three-year-old girl rolled the hysteria right at the reception at the former US President Barack Obama. Little North fell to the floor and began to cry, thereby putting his famous mom in an awkward position. A photograph with a rocked North West Star Mom published in Instagram. "Oh, North! She fell on the floor and cried at the reception at Barack Obama in the White House. The president gave her M & M's so that North calmed down. The daughter began to smile, but then he ordered again because I did not allow her to eat candy. I want to keep them for memory, "Kim signed. Subscribers arrested and died over the picture, putting more than 1.7 million "Likes".

The Svetskaya Lioness more than once complained to his subscribers for the capricious character of a small North. Kim mentioned that the child could "dispeach" that sometimes had to leave secular events. Serious problems of North began to bring parents when another child appeared in the star family - the baby Saint West. Kim and Kanye learned what jealousy is a little girl.

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