10 famous actors who still do not have "Oscar"


Samuel L. Jackson

For his long-term career Samuel L. Jackson, the star of Tarantino films and the filmmaker Marvel, starred at 300 with excess films - but received only one nomination for Oscar in the distant 1995 in the category "Best Actor of the Second Plan" for "Criminal Chivo", Lifting in the struggle for the statuette of Martin Landau ("Ed Wood").

Johnny Depp

In the career of Johnny Depp, there are three nominations for Oscar:

In 2004, he was nominated as the best actor for the role in the Pirates of the Caribbean Sea, but he gave way to Sean Penna ("Mysterious River").

In the next, 2005 Depp again received a chance to fight for Oscar in the category "Best Actor" for a role in the "Magic Country", but lost to Jamie Fox (Ray).

The last time Depp was nominated for Oscar in 2008, again as the "best actor", for the role in the "Siini Todd, a demon-hairdresser with Fleet Street," and this time I gave way to Daniel Day Lewis ("Oil").

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise received its first nomination for Oscar in the category "Best Actor" for the role in the "Born Fourth of July", losing Daniel Day-Lewis ("My left foot").

The second nomination went to Cruz after 7 years, in 1997, for the role in the "Jerry Maguyer", this time in the struggle for Oscar, he gave way to Jeffrey Rush ("Glitter").

The third and last nomination for Oscar for the role of a second plan in Magnolia Tom Cruz received 17 years ago - in 2000; Figurine eventually got Michael Kane ("Rules of winemakers").

Hoakin Phoenix

In 2001, Joaquin Phoenix received his first nomination for Oscar for the role of the second plan in the "Gladiator", giving way to the struggle for the statuette of Benicio del Toro ("Traffout").

For the second time in the struggle for Oscar, already as the best actor, Phoenix entered in 2006 thanks to the film "Move the line". Oscar eventually got Filipa Seimur Hoffmanna ("Hood").

The third and last time the nomination for Oscar went to Phoenix in 2013 for the role in the "Master", but the figurine left Danielu Day Lewis (Lincoln).

Edward Norton

The first nomination for Oscar Edward Norton received exactly twenty years ago - as the best actor of the second plan in the film "Primitive fear." Oscar eventually went to Kyube Huding Junior for Jerry Maguyer.

The second nomination for Oscar, already in the category "Best Actor", went to Norton in 1999 for the role in the American History of X, but in the struggle for statuette, Edward lost Roberto Benigni ("Life is beautiful").

The third and last nomination of Edward Norton received for the role of the second plan in Berdman 16 years later - in 2015, but lost to J. K. Simmonsu ("obsession").

Ed Harris

The real "veteran" of the Hollywood Industry, Ed Harris his first nomination for Oscar received in 1996 for "Apollo 13", giving way to Kevin Spacei ("Suspicious faces").

The second nomination for Oscar, again in the category "Best Actor of the Second Plan", went to Harris in 1999 ("Show Truman"), but the award eventually left James Kobern ("Grief").

For the third time, Ed Harris fought for Oscar already in the category "Best Actor" thanks to the film "Pollock", but lost to Russell Crow with his "gladiator".

The last time Ed Harris was nominated for Oscar in 2003 for the role of the second plan in the "clock" and lost to Chris Kupeur ("Adaptation").

Robert Downey Jr

Someone may argue that after the start of the film Marvel from the Iron Man In 2008, Robert Downey Jr. lost all the chances of ever getting Oscar - the American Film Academy does not recognize superhero blockbusters in principle. However, a lot of other interesting roles are numbered in the downey junior career.

Back in 1993, Robert received his first nomination for Oscar as the best actor thanks to the film "Chaplin" - but also lost Al Pacino ("smell of a woman").

The second and last nomination for Oscar went to Downey Junior in 2009 for the role in the "Soldiers of Failure". However, neither Robert, no other applicants have a chance - "Oscar" for the role of the second plan (already posthumously) received het Ledger for his stunning Joker in the "Dark Knight".

Will Smith

The first nomination for Oscar Will Smith received as the best actor for the Ali Bayopik in 2002, giving way in the struggle for the statuette of Denzel Washington ("Training Day").

In 2007, Will Smith nominated as the best actor for the role in "in pursuit of happiness", but the figurine went to Forest Utakera ("the last king of Scotland").

It was rumored that "Ghost Beauty", the main role in which in 2016 played Smith, was filmed just "with an eye" to Oscar -2017 - but in the end the drama was completely ignored.

Mark Walberg

Mark Walberg at the expense of "Transformers" recently earned the image of the star of militants lately, but in the career of the actor there are a lot of other roles in deeper, dramatic paintings that the American Film Academy loves so much:

In 2007, he was nominated as the best actor of the second plan for the role in the "apostates", but he lost to Alan Arkina ("Little Miss Happiness").

The second nomination for Oscar went to Wahlberg in 2011 - his film "Fighter" claimed a statuette in the category "The Best Film of the Year", but gave way to the drama "King says."

On Oscar "-2017 a new film with Mark Wahlberg, the" deep-water horizon ", received two" technical "nominations, but the actor himself, unfortunately, did not get the nomination.

Bradley Cooper

Like Jennifer Lawrence, in whose company Bradley Cooper has regularly appears on the big screen, the actor - Familiar Familiarity, however, unlike his colleague, has not yet won a single Oscar.

The first nomination went to Bradley in 2013 for the main male role in "My boyfriend - Psycho"; For this film, Jennifer Lawrence received his first Oscar, and Cupper lost to Daniel Day Lyunis (Lincoln).

The next year, Bradley was again nominated for Oscar, already as an actor of the second plan, for the "American Asphar", but in the end, Oscar -2014 left Jared Summer ("Dallas Customer Club").

On the third year in a row, Bradley Cooper struggled for Oscar in the category "Best Actor" thanks to the role in Sniper and played again - this time Eddie Redrene ("Universe Stephen Hawking"). "Sniper" claimed Oscar and in the category "Best Film of the Year" by giving way to Berdman.

Source https://www.kinoafisha.info/news/8328812/

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