Kate Winslet wants to work again with Leonardo Dicaprio


Kate and Leo began to flowers twenty years ago, on the set of "Titanic" (1997), and a decade after the decade was reunited for the filming of the "Change Road" (2008). So far, the actors have no plans to work together, but the Winslet admitted that it would be happy to take a glad for any chance to play together with DiCaprio again.

"While Leo did not plan anything," the actress was told in an interview e! News "But, as always, I would gladly agreed to work with him again. Who knows? Perhaps it will not happen until we are knocking on 70 years. "

In the fall of this year, Kate can be seen in the new film with the Idris Elbe "between us Mountains" - in it, the actors play two survivors in a plane crash, which have to survive in the snow-covered mountains. The Winslet said that Dicaprio advised her to think well before agreeing to the role, due to the difficult conditions in which the shooting was assumed (a number of Kate scenes had to be removed at a temperature in minus 38 Celsius). Leonardo knew what he said - he himself suffered a lot on the set of "survivor".

"Leo and I communicated before the start of filming, and he told me something like" God, you are crazy. There will also be wildly cold. Do you ever imagine what you get involved? "", Remembers Kate. "I sent him a photo with a signature" I think about you ", in which I lay on ice, all in the snow, and he replied me a panic emoji."

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