Reese Witherspoon wants to remove the "Blonde in Law 3"


"I need someone really clever with an excellent idea," said Witherspoon. According to the actress, it is a great honor - to be a woman in America, as they have more rights and freedoms than many women around the world. This means that in the film you can show El Woods in the "action". "It seems to me that now the most suitable moment for this is, because now we are promoting women to politics and it is important to show. In my opinion, to make El Woods, for example, the judge of the Supreme Court would be cool, "says Reese.

Her Partner in Luke Wilson, who played the beloved of the main character, fully supported the idea of ​​Witherspoon. On one of the TV show, the actor said that the project would be happy and many actors from the second part would make the same.

Reese Witherspoon first appeared on the screen in the image of stereotypical blonde El Woods in 2001, and in 2003 she returned to this image. The first film about the smart blonde dreaming about a career career was enthusiasticized by the public, the second is more calm. During the rolling, the first picture collected 141, 7 million dollars, the second -121.6 million.

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