Tom Cruise accused of failure of the new "Mummy"


According to the devoted film industry, American publications are reported, the cause of the failure was the "excess control" of Tom Cruise over the production of the picture - alleged actively intervened in the production process, under his influence the plot was changed almost completely and as a result it turned out what happened.

This is what the sources of Variety edition told:

"Universal Studio, according to insiders, included in the contract Tom Cruise guaranteed control over most aspects of the project - from the approval of the scenario to decisions at the stage of post-production. In addition, Tom Cruz made a great contribution to the Mummy's marketing campaign and the strategy of its release in cinemas. It was he insisted at the premiere of "Mummy" in June. "

Perhaps the decision of Universal to give the brazda of the board to that Cruz is due to the fact that the studio has hired an inexperienceless Alex Kurttsman to the position of the director, in which only one full-length film was as director, "people like us" (but it was Kurtzman who was the author of the script "Transformers: revenge of the fallen", which received the antipremia "Golden Malina").

Kurtzman did not manage to cope with the scale of the Mummy, allowing the creeze to dictate its conditions during the work on the film. As a result, Cruz took himself a beloved much more on-screen time than was planned initially (in the original version of the scenario at the hero of Tom Cruise and Mummy, in the execution of Sofia, the screen of the screen was almost equally equal). In addition, with the feed of Cruise, the screenwriters provided his hero with a more dramatic story by entering the scenario an unexpected turn of the plot. And although the management of Universal did not come to the delight of these changes, the crude was still given "green light" and allowed to change the story at their discretion.

A source

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