David "Hulk" Spiritual, Tom "Iron Man" Cruise and other stars that could be held in MCU


Tom Cruise - Iron Man


The film about the Iron man was going to shoot back in the nineties, and then the Cruise was in the lead role, which was in Caste since 1998 and almost until the last. Kevin Faigi, the head of Marvel, confirmed that negotiations with Tom really conducted, but in the end the Cruise of the Iron Man did not wait and lost interest in the role. It is probably for the better - Cruz continues to be filmed in excellent militants, and MCU acquired a unique "face", Robert Downey Jr.

Jason Momoa - Draks ("Guardians of the Galaxy")


Before joining the film dealer DC Comics / Warner Bros., Jason Momoa passed to listen to the role of Drax and even played out on the casting scene with Chris Prett (star Lord) - but in the end I decided to refuse from the role. Jason's decision was justified - as a result, he received a solo film and in 2018 will appear as Aquamena in DCEU.

Mads Mikkelsen - Malekit ("Tor")


Mikkelsen lit up in MCU in 2016 in "Dr. Strendzh", but initially had to join the kinenseed much earlier - with the role of Malekit in Tor 2: The Kingdom of Darkness. " Marvel producers very much wanted Mads on this role and even approved it, but as a result, Mikkelsen himself refused, because the shooting of Torah 2 was imposed on the shooting of the "Hannibal" series. As a result, the role of Christofera Eccleston, and, probably, everything was formed for the better - Melkit turned out to be a character for a rarity not memorable, but the opponent of Dr. Strange in the performance of Mikkelsen is much more bright.

David Spiritual - Hulk


Long before Mark Ruffalo and even Edward Norton arranged Local Armageddon on the big screen, David David, the star of "secret materials" - he had to replace Eric Bana as Dr. Bruce Banner and to play in the 2003 film sequel. Although the spiritual was a big fan of the Hulk, as a result, Edward Norton went to the role. Perhaps if the casting of the Spiritual still took place, the "incredible Hulk" 2008 would not be one of the most not memorable MCU films - but we will not know this now.

Josh Hartnett - Loki


As the role of Tony Stark is impossible to imagine someone, except for Downey Jr., and in the role of Loki, it is impossible to imagine not Tom Hiddleston, but, say, Josh Hartnetta. However, before in 2011 the first "torus" was released, the popularity of Hartnetta was much higher. In addition, Josh himself was actively asked to MCU on the role of Loki and even met with director Kenneth Brah. For what reason, the MARVEL producers decided to take risks and give the role of Hiddleston - it is unknown, but this is undoubtedly one of the best decisions in the history of the film.

Jensen Ekls - Houd


The star "Supernatural" Jensen Ekls at one time was tried to captain America, but the MCU producers considered that the actor did not "hit it too." However, listening to Ecls left the producers a positive impression, and he was considered to the role of the Howka. Unfortunately, Jensen himself decided to refuse the role of a falconian eye due to the conflict of the schedule of filming with the shooting of the "supernatural".

Emily Blante - Black Widow


When in 2010, the producers of "Iron Man 2" were looking for an actress for the role of black widow, only a few realized, in which a gigantic project in a few years will turn the filmmaken MCU - and, unfortunately, there was no Emily Blante in the list of these few. The star "The Devil wears Prada" was the main candidate for the role of Natasha Romanoff, but from the offer Marvel refused. Surprisingly, Marvel did not surrender: after that, Emily was also offered the role of Peggy Carter, and quite recently the BLANT was in a short list of candidates for the role of Captain Marvel. Three lost roles in MCU did not prevent Emily to turn into one of the brightest Hollywood stars - but it is impossible to deny that to see the Blanman in the film marvel would be at least interesting.

Hoakin Phoenix - Dr. Strange


Like Emily Blante, Hoakin Phoenix rejected a major role proposed by Marvel. The actor even led the negotiations with the studio and almost signed a contract, but as a result refused - in many respects due to the fact that the contract with Marvel was not designed for one film, but to devote several years of his life of Dr. Strange Hoaquin, apparently, was not ready .

John Krasinski - Captain America


When the producers of the "First Avenger" were looking for an actor to the role of Captain America, John Krasinsky had not yet established himself as an action actor and was known, mainly a comedy role in the TV series "Office". However, Marvel did not stop - the producers saw in Krasidski potential, and he entered the short list of candidates for the role of Cap (and even managed to try on a superhero costume). Ultimately, Krasinsky himself decided to abandon the role, although afterwards it was ready to appear in the MCU in some other, less demanding role.

Tom Hiddleston - Tor


Although today Tom Hiddleston is the best layout, which only can be imagined, initially the actor himself tried to the role of Torah. The first round of Casting Tom was successful, and Marvel invited him to repeated listening - already in a Torah costume. On the network, the video has long been walking, according to which it is immediately clear why Hiddleston eventually did not get the role of Torah (although the actor was so purposefully sought, which even painted her hair into a light color). But the Loki from Tom ultimately turned out perfect: even Kevin Faigi admitted that if not Hiddleston, Loki could hardly linger in MCU more than one-only movie.

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