Madonna accused colleagues on show business in cowardice


Madonna said that she literally "shocked" the fact that many of the stars involved in the entertainment industry do not react to the situation that has developed in the United States with the arrival of the Republican.

"With the exception of several people, no one speaks about what happened. No one expresses his political position and elementary his opinion, "the singer is indignant. "They keep neutrality because they want to be popular. Well, that is, if you have your own opinion, which differs from the other opinion, you can lose work. Or get into the blacklist. Or lose subscribers in instagram. All this is afraid, "says Madonna.

The singer reported that she was interested in politics, and that she would like to live in a country where there is no censorship. Madonna noted that she believes in equal rights of people and freedom of self-expression, although many do not understand her and even condemn, as she often refused to be generally accepted behaviors - and the singer had the impression that her life was simply touched by the "living".

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