Movie Review News: What movies will be released in July 2017


New in the movies from July 6

Spiderman: Return home Actors: Tom Holland, Zendai Coleman, Michael Kiton, Robert Downey Jr., Marisa Tome, Donald Glover, Martin Starr, Logan Marshall Green, John FavroSynopsis Film

After the historical meeting with the Avengers team, Peter Parker returns home, trying to hear the usual life under the guardianship of his aunt Mei. But now, Peter is looking for something else ... Tony Stark saw a man-spider in the case and should become his mentor. When the new villain is threatened to destroy everything that is expensive to Peter, it comes time to prove to everyone that is a real superhero.

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Age limit: 12+

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Russian cartoon "Tale about Peter and Fevronia" Roles voiced: Stanislav Lyutishin, Ivan Okhlobystin, Konstantin Karasik, Victor Verzhbitsky, Vadim Medvedev, Diomid Vinogradov, Vladimir Antonik, Yulia Gorokhov

Synopsis Film

XIII century. The villain seized power in the Murom Principality. Only the brave warrior Peter goes to the fight with the villain and wins it. But the poisonous blood of the sorcerer poisoning the Savior of the Principality. Fevronia Healer is ready to apply his gift to save Peter. A real pure feeling flashes between young people, which they have to be preserved, despite many obstacles.

Age limit: 6+

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Russian drama "Shadow" Actors: Mikhail Porechenkov, Yuri Stoyanov, Anna Mikhalkov, Varvara Shcherbakova, Sergey Vasilyev, Peter Logachev, Evgeny Kataev, Tatyana Tuzova

Synopsis Film

This is the story of a successful businessman Boris Gonde, who seemed to have a life failed. He is young, handsome and has everything about what many only dream: success, family, a big house ... But despite the apparent well-being, nothing fills his life with meaning, does not cause an authentic interest, while once Gordin does not find a photo of a silent movie star. He is so fascinating the beauty of the actresses that he decides to find a modern girl like two drops of water similar to her. After all, he is confident that only she is able to save his life, filling it with joy and meaning.

Age limit: 12+

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Horror "Institute Rosewood" Actors: James Franco, Ellie Galler, Tim Blake Nelson, Lori Singer, Vincent Alvas, Pamela Anderson, Carmen Argentziano, Zoya Sidel, Melissa Bono, Josh Duhamel, Robin Cohen, Gabriel Hof, Eric Roberts

Synopsis Film

Baltimore, 19th century. Isabelle Porter is deeply saddened by the early death of his parents. To distract from sad thoughts, the girl decides to go on vacation in the popularity of the Rosewood Institute. Later she learns that behind the facade of the institution in which psychological assistance is provided to young ladies, something completely opposite is hidden. Abnormal pseudo-native experiments on the identity modification and consciousness management are put over the patients.

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Age limit: 18+

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Horror "Experiment" Office "" Actors: Adria Archona, Sean Gunn, Michael Roman, Tony Golduin, John Gallaher ML., Brent Sexton

Synopsis Film

In someone's perverted social experiment, a group of 80 Americans is blocked in a multi-storey corporate office building in Bogota (Colombia), and on the internal telephone connection of the company an unknown voice orders them to participate in the deadly game - "Kill, or you will be killed."

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New in the movies from July 13

Fantastic fighter "Planet Monkeys: War" Actors: Andy Serkis, Woody Harrelson, Gabriel Chavarry, Judy Greer, Steve Zan, Sarah Cunning, Tai Olsson, Amy MillerSynopsis Film

The army of genetically modified monkeys expects a new challenge: they are forced to enter into a mortal fight with the army of people under the leadership of the ruthless colonel. After unimaginable losses among their warriors, the leader of Monkeys Caesar begins a personal struggle with dark instincts and is going to take revenge for his whole look. In the end, he and the colonel should come to the epic battle, which will decide who will now rule on Earth - people or monkeys.

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Age limit: 16+

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Russian criminal comedy "blockbuster" Actors: Anna Chipovskaya, Evgeny Tsyganov, Svetlana Ustinova, Julia Snikir, Mikhail Efremov, Maria Shalaev

Synopsis Film

The main heroine of the film Lisa, brought to the nervous breakdown by colleagues on the attic work and a slit boyfriend, sits in the car and leaves Moscow in the direction unknown to it. Deaf at night, it becomes a witnessed at the point of microcredit in the ElectroChange district center and it turns out in hostages in a dazzlingly beautiful, but very badly convertible robber named Natasha. The next two days of the girl will hold together.


Age limit: 16+

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Russian horror "Black Water" Actors: Irina Starshenbaum, Dmitry Bogdan, Evgeny Alekhin, Sergey White, Natalia Shaposhnikova, Inna Egorova

Synopsis Film

Three young people - Maxim, his brother Peter and his new girl, Polina, - come to the forgotten god of the village, where they settle on the old abandoned ship, whose very bad glory is very bad.

Suddenly, Polina disappears at night, and the brothers rush to her searches. And when she suddenly returns, strange things begin to occur around. Maxim fears for a girl, and his brother has suspicions that this ... no longer Polina


Age limit: 16+

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Criminal thriller "Shot to emptiness" Actors: John Bernal, Nikolai Koster Waldau, Lake Bell, Jesse Srem, Jeffrey Donovan, Emory Cohen, Holt McKellani, Benjamin Bratt, Michael Landis, Omari Hardwick

Synopsis Film

He was in the authority, but he is still a debtor on the will. Freed from prison, he must remove the leader of the warrant group, with whom his gang could not divide the southern California ...

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Age limit: 18+

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New in the movies from July 20

Military drama Christopher Nolana "Dunkirk" Actors: Tom Hardy, Mark Rielanx, Kenneth Brahn, Killian Murphy, James D'Arci, Barry Keogan, Jack Louden, Elliott Tittensor, Harry Stiles, Kevin GhatriSynopsis Film

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the British and Allied troops are surrounded by an opponent. They fall into the desperate position, being trapped on the coastline, where behind the back - only the sea, and the enemy is getting closer.


Age limit: 16+

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Russian comedy "Myths" Actors: Ivan Urgant, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Sergey Bezrukov, Janis Papadopoulos, Milos Bikovich, Paulina Andreeva, Ksenia Rappoport, Victoria Isakov, Igor Vernik, Andrei Smolyakov, Maxim Sukhanov, Irina Rosanova, Nadezhda Markina

Synopsis Film

The last hope of Russian cinema, producer and director Fyodor, sticks out money for the music clip of the brother from the 90s. Artist Sergey played everyone from Jesus Christ to the squirrel. Sergey has ended the role, he is depressed, and does not know how to live on. TV presenter number one, Ivan, can not stop joking in ordinary life. Ivan's girl does not understand why he is laugh at her breakfast, in bed and even at the funeral. Nothing reminds?

A beggar foreigner on pure accidents falls into the largest lifestyle of the rich and famous. It turns out that all our ideas about the life of stars - myths. In fact, everything is much worse. Trying to help the stars solve their problems, our hero falls in love with the wife of a big city holder and decides to do everything to kidnap her from Moscow Olympus.

Age limit: 16+

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Action "Apostate" Actors: Orlando Bloom, Janet Montgomery, Charlie Crem-Miles, Ann Raid, Alex Ferns, Josh Myers, Deborah Rock, Kyle Ries, Joe Whitley, James Smilly

Synopsis Film

The fears of the past relicsly pursue Malcolm: another child he got a strongest psychological trauma. For more than twenty years, a rattling mixture of torpedacled contradictions, insults, misunderstanding, disappointment and lack of faith in God is mastered by the hero. To overcome myself and let go of the past, despite the all-consuming thirst for revenge, not just, but it is precisely this to survive the audience on the equal one with the main character.

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Overdrive Fighter Actors: Ana de Armaas, Scott Eastwood, Clemens Chic, Simon Abkaryan, Moussa Maaskry

Synopsis Film

Andrew and Garette Fosters are the adventurer brothers, which are hijacking the rigorous and luxurious cars. Until now, they easily managed to avoid trouble, but during the next case, they fall under the scope of a cruel criminal boss. Now exchange for your lives, they must steal the most valuable car of his worst enemy.

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Age limit: 16+

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New in the movies from July 27

Drama "Matrix of Time" Actors: Zoe Doych, Canvas Sage, Jennifer Bils, Logan Miller, Elena Campuris, Diego Bonet

Synopsis Film

Suppose you did something very bad, but understood it too late when nothing can be changed. Suppose you still give you a chance to fix the deed, and you repeat the attempt again and again, but every time something does not work, and it leads you to despair.

It was in such a situation that Samantha Kingston turned out to be, who was always successful and who did not know any serious problems. Friday, February 12, should have become just another day in her life. But it turned out that on this day she died. However, something keeps Samantha among the living, and she is forced to live this day again and again, painfully trying to understand how to save her life, and opening the true value of all that she risks losing.

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Age limit: 16+

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Drama "Fatory Temptation" Actors: El Fanning, Colin Farrell, Kirsten Dunst, Nicole Kidman, Unana Lawrence, Wayne Per, Entauri Rice, Eddison Rica, Emma Howard, Matt Stori

Synopsis Film

A closed guesthouse for girls was reliably hidden from the outside world until the day, while looking for help and shelter, the young man did not step on his gate. From this moment the mysterious mansion was captured by the fatal temptation ...

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Age limit: 18+

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Music Bayopic "2Pac: Legend" Actors: Demetrius Schip ml., Danaj Jeksey Gurir, Katerina Graham, Annie Ilonse, Dominic Santana, Jamal Woolrd, Ryan Lawrence, Lauren Kokhan, Corey Hardrickt

Synopsis Film

Key pages from the dramatic biography of rap legends Tupak Shakura. A black ghetto leaving, a member of criminal disassembly, a repeated defendant and the arrestant becomes one of the best-selling and influential performers in world rap culture.

Age limit: 18+

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Thriller "Explosive Blonde" Actors: Charlize Theron, James McAwa, Sofia Butechla, Toby Jones, John Gudman, Eddie Marsan, Roland Muller

Synopsis Film

The MI6 agent undercover goes to Berlin during the Cold War, to investigate the killing of another agent and restore the list of missing double agents.

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Age limit: 18+

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