Amber Herd released a formal application for divorce with Johnny Depp


"Johnny and his lawyers seem to be specifically punished and seeking reasons for not paying me seven million dollars ... I learned that Johnny is in an outrageous way to recover legal costs from me, because I appealed to the court for the execution of the settlement agreement achieved We are four months ago. I was told that he claims, as if I try to tighten the settlement of the contradictions between us, and not the opposite. These statements shocked me worthy of contempt. Johnny himself postponed the solution of our question. I want to return my life and divorce right now, "the Amber Herd says.

Recall that another wave of claims Amber Hurd and Johnny Depp began to each other after the Amber recorded video devoted to the problems of violence in families. Although Hurd did not directly indicate the names of the offender, but everyone was clear, about whom it is said in this video. This act of the actress violated the terms of the confidentiality agreement, which ex-spouses signed back in August.

Lawyer Laura Wasser, which represents the interests of Depp, said that if the Ember continue to act with such statements, he would not receive any money at all, since all seven million would go to the penalties for violation of the contract.

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