TV program for today, January 13, 2017, for all channels


TV program on January 13, 2017 on the first channel

05:00 TV channel "Good morning"

09:00 News

09:20 Control purchase

09:50 Live great!

10:55 Fashionable sentence

12:00 News with subtitles

12:20 Greek (7th and 8th series)

14:10 Guess the melody

15:00 News with subtitles

15:10 Male / Female

17:00 Wait for me

18:00 Evening news with subtitles

18:45 "Man and Law" with Alexey Pimanov

19:50 Field of Miracles

21:00 Time

21:30 New Year on the first

00:55 Little Miss Happiness

02:50 hot pebble

04:45 Male / Female

TV program on January 13, 2017 in Russia 1

05:00 Morning Russia

09:00 Vesti

09: 15Utro Russia

09:55 About the most important thing

11:00 Vesti

11:40 Vesti. The local time

11:55 Vasilisa (9th series)

13:00 Vasilisa (10th series)

14:00 Vesti

14:40 Vesti. The local time

14:55 Secrets of the investigation-4 ("History of Disease", 1st and 2nd series)

17:00 Vesti

17:20 Vesti. The local time

17:40 live ether

18:50 60 minutes

20:00 Vesti

20:45 News. The local time

21:00 Anshan. old New Year

00:15 New Year's wife

02:15 Santa Claus always calls ... three times

TV program on January 13, 2017 on NTV

05:00 Lawyer (Roman with Stone)

06:00 today

06:05 Lawyer (thunderstorm)

07:00 Today

07:05 Lawyer (love rhyme blood)

08:00 Today

08:05 Return of Mukhtara-2 ("Secret Profession". "Ten")

10:00 Today

10:20 Bratany-2 (9th and 10th series)

12:00 Jury Court

13:00 Today

13:25 Review. Emergency

14:00 Mental Wars-6 ("Russian Roulette", 1st - 4th series)

16:00 Today

16:25 Menta Wars-6 ("Russian Roulette", 1st - 4th series)

18:00 "We speak and show." Talk Show with Leonid Zakoshansky

19:00 today

19:35 Poutine-9 ("missing", 1st - 4 series)

23:35 Festival Autoradio "Disco 80s"

03: 15 Sheriff ("One hundred thousand for the Son", 1st and 2nd series)

TV program on January 13, 2017 on TV Center

05:10 "My hero" with Tatiana Ustinova

06:00 Mood

08:00 The secrets of our movie (three hearts)

08:25 Hearts Three

10:35 Hearts three-2

11:30 Events

11:50 Hearts three-2

13:40 "My hero" with Tatyana Ustinova (Alena Khmelnitsky)

14:30 Events

14:50 City of News

15: 1510 the most ... (prolific stars)

15:50 Adult daughter, or test on ...

17:40 Hurry to love

19:30 "In the center of events" with Anna Prokhorova

20:40 New Year on Red Square

23:00 on Deribasovskaya good weather, or rains come to Brighton Beach

00:50 Miss Marple Agatha Christie (Caribbean Mystery)

02:35 Petrovka, 38

02:55 Recognition of illegal

03:50 Adrenaline

TV program on January 13, 2017 on match TV

05:35 Mixed martial arts. The best of PRIDE (K. Jackson - V. Silva. F. Emelyanenko - K. Fujita)

06:30 Sportskol

07:00 News

07:05 Higher League

07:35 News

07:40 Everything for the match!

08:55 News

09:00 Dakar-2017

09:30 Special Report (Point)

10:00 Street fighter

12:00 News

12:05 Everything for the match!

12:35 biathlon. World Cup. Relay race. Women. Broadcast from Germany

14:20 Dakar-2017

14:30 Major League

15:00 News

15:05 Everything for the match!

15:35 Mixed martial arts. The best of PRIDE (S. Kharitonov - A. Overyim. I. Vaverchin - V. Overimim)

16:30 News

16:35 Biathlon. World Cup. Sprint. Men. Live broadcast from Germany

18:15 News

18:20 Big Sports Dramas

18:50 Everything for the match!

19:20 Special Report (Best Game with Ball)

19:40 Basketball. Euroleague. Men. Live broadcast (CSKA (Russia) - Milan (Italy))

22:00 All on football! (Poster)

23:00 Everything for the match!

23:45 Ali

02:40 1 + 1

03:15 My fight. Povetkin VS Stevener

03:45 Professional Boxing (A. Povetkin - J. Duop)

04:45 Bobsley and Skeleton. World Cup. Broadcast from Germany

TV program on January 13, 2017 at STS

05:15 Elash

05:45 Music on the STS

06:00 Yelalash

06:15 Barboskina

06:45 Fixy

07:15 Three cats

07:35 Dragons and Ollha Riders

08:30 How I became Russian

09:30 Ural dumplings (favorite)

09:40 SHOW "Ural Pelmeni" ("Mugharyers!", 2nd part)

10:40 Spy next door

12:30 Ship

13:30 Kitchen

16:30 Voronina

19:00 Ural dumplings (favorite)

19:30 SHOW "Ural Pelmeni" (Oliviesta)

21:00 Three X.

23:20 Three IKSA-2. New level

01:15 Premiere! "Love without commitment"

03:10 Bury me alive

TV program on January 13, 2017 on Ren-TV

05:00 "Territory of delusions" with Igor Prokopenko

06:00 Documentary project


08:30 News

09:00 Documentary project

12:00 Information Program 112

12:30 News

13:00 Sawn dinner

14: 0013 District: Brick mansions

15:55 Information Program 112

16:30 News

17:00 Secrets Chapman

18:00 Most shocking hypotheses

19:00 Information Program 112

19:30 News

20:00 Documentary special project (who will win in World War? 5 of the most powerful armies of the world)

21:50 Watch everyone!

23:00 Salt (special issue. Concert of the Leningrad Group)

00:40 The Theory of Zavoy

02:00 The most shocking hypotheses

03:00 Strange case

04:00 Secrets Chapman

TV program on January 13, 2017 on TNT

05:15 TNT-Club (84th series)

05:20 Arrow (22th series - "Streets on fire")

07:00 Women's League (17th series)

07:30 Women's League (18th series)

08:00 Psychics lead the investigation (61st series)

09:00 House-2. Lite.

10:30 House-2. Wedding per million

11:30 Repair School (595th series)

12:30 Once in Russia (73rd series - "New Year'sdition")

13:00 Once in Russia (34th series)

14:00 Once in Russia (35th series)

14:30 Improvisation (2nd series)

15:00 Improvisation (6th series)

16:00 Improvisation (8th series)

17:00 Improvisation (9th series)

18:00 Improvisation (20th series)

19:00 Improvisation (28th series - "New Year'sdition")

19:30 Improvisation (28th series - "New Year'sdition")

20:00 Improvisation (21st series)

21:00 Comedy Club (525th series)

22: 00Comedy Battle (41st series - "Specdijest")

23:00 House-2. City of love

00:00 House-2. After sunset

01:00 Such a movie! (145th series)

01:30 Dallas club buyers

03:50 Any price

TV program on January 13, 2017 on home

05:00 home kitchen (80th series - "Anna Churina")

05:30 Jamie: Lunch for 30 minutes (25th and 26th series)

06:30 Jamie: Lunch for 30 minutes (27th and 28th series)

07:30 6 Frames

07:45 For juvenile affairs (586th and 587th series)

09:45 Besta, or Strangeness of Love (1st - 8th Series)

18:00 Date for Mom (15th series)

19:00 Salami (1st - 4th series)

22:35 Rublevo-Biryulyovo (6th series - "Golkokina-Panfilova")

23:35 6 Personnels

00:30 Lonely Men Trap

02:20 For juvenile affairs (586th and 587th series)

04:20 Rublevo-Biryulyovo (6th series - "Grebelkina-Panfilova")

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