Spoilers: Which of the heroes dies in the "Wonder Woman"


Antiopa - Robin Wright

Spoilers: Which of the heroes dies in the

Sister Queen Ippolitis, Aunt Diana and the greatest warrior-Amazon, Antiopa dies almost at the very beginning of the film, sacrificing himself, to save Diana from the Nazi bullet - and, saying goodbye to her, advises Diana to leave Teumkin.

General Erich Ludendorf - Danny Houston

Spoilers: Which of the heroes dies in the

The second of the more or less important characters dies Ludendorf, who is going to destroy millions of people with a new deadly gas. Diana is convinced that Ludendorf is the God of war Ares, and kills him to stop large-scale bloodshed.

Steve Trevor - Chris Pine

Spoilers: Which of the heroes dies in the

The death of a beloved wonder-woman is one of those scenes, due to which the "wonderful woman" is compared with the "First Avenger" from Competitor-marvel. In the "Miracle Woman" we showed a familiar combination of "sacrificing hero by the name Steve + plane." That's just in MCU Steve more lively alive, and in Dceu, he had no chance to survive - Trevor, to save Diana and innocent people, explodes along with the plane.

Ares - David Tyulis

Spoilers: Which of the heroes dies in the

Of course, according to the laws of the genre at the main antagonist, there was practically no chance of survival, and therefore Ares performed by the wonderful British actor David Tylis in the final of the "Wonder Women" dies from the hands of Diana.

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