TV program for today, January 7, 2017, for all channels


TV program on January 7, 2017 on the first channel

06:00 News

06:10 My love

06:40 Gusar ballad

08:30 Varvara-Beauty, Long Spit

10:00 News with subtitles

10:15 Cinderella

12:00 News with subtitles

12:15 Fedor Konyukhov. Lady of wind

13:20 Jubilee Concert Raimond Pauls

16:10 Virgin Mary. Earth path

18:00 Evening news with subtitles

18:15 Guess the melody

19:00 Who wants to become a millionaire? " With Dmitry Dibrov

20:10 Sochi. Rosa Khutor. Christmas-2017.

21:00 Time

21:20 Sochi. Rosa Khutor. Christmas-2017.

23:00 Vladimir Pozner and Ivan Urgant in the project "In Search of Don Quixote" (4th series - "Love or Death")

00:00 Good year

02:10 Wholesale Cheaper-2

03:55 Royal shine

TV program on January 7, 2017 in Russia 1

07:55 christmas "Song of the Year"

10:10 one hundred to one

11:00 Vesti

11:20 Christmas interview of the Holy Patriarch Kirill

11:45 Bird in a cage

140 0 Vesti

14:20 Bird in a cage

16:05 My favorite dad!

20:00 Vesti

20:35 My favorite dad!

00:10 School for bbw

04:20 Snow Queen-2. Restaroska

TV program on January 7, 2017 on NTV

05:25 Volkodov

08:00 Today

08: 20VII International Charitable Festival "White Cane"

10:00 Today

10:15 Construction (16th - 18th series)

130 0 today

13:20 against all rules

15:15 Menta Wars-3 ("Second Front", 1st - 4th series)

19:00 today


21:20 Printer-2

23:15 Russian Soul. " Concert Andrei Nikolsky

00:45 Five evenings

02:25 25 people-10 (16th - 19th series)

035 0 emergency. Emergency situation ("Question price." "Speak with me")

TV program on January 7, 2017 on the TV center

055 0 more than a doctor

09:05 Orthodox encyclopedia (release of January 7)

09:30 Merry Christmas! Congratulations to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill

09:40 Fire, Water and ... Copper Pipes

11:05 Oleg Efremov. Last recognition

11:50 Beware car

13:35 My hero (Ekaterina Vasilyeva)

14:30 Events

150 0 Great Christmas Evening. Broadcast from the Church of Christ the Savior

16: 15 Yellow Sumor

17:20 Summary of Fate

21:00 Events

21:15 Shelter comedians (release of January 7)

23:10 Dog Barbos and Unusual Cross. " "Moonshoes"

23:45 Georgy Vicin. No need to laugh

00:30 Letter of Hope

03:40 Olympiad-80: Unpassed history

045 5 My hero (Ekaterina Vasilyeva)

TV program on January 7, 2017 on match TV

05:10 Special Report (Sergey Kovalev)

05:30 Professional boxing. Fight for the World Champion title in the sexual weight (S. Kovalev - A. Chileb)

06:30 Professional boxing. Fight for the title of world champion in the field weight (S. Kovalev - A. Ward)

07:35 News

07:40 Fight in the Big City

08:30 News

08:35 Dakar-2017

09:05 Where does a dream live

10:50 News

10:55 dozen!

11:10 Biathlon. World Cup. Sprint. Women. Broadcast from Germany

125 0 News

125 5 Biathlon with Dmitry Guberniev

13:20 Biathlon. World Cup. Pursuit. Men. Live broadcast from Germany

14:10 Dakar-2017

14:20 Poddubny

16:30 Biathlon. World Cup. Pursuit. Women. Live broadcast from Germany

17:20 News

17:25 Skiing. "Tour de Ski." Mass start. Men. 15 km. Live broadcast from Italy

18:15 Skiing. "Tour de Ski." Mass start. Women. 10 km. Broadcast from Italy

19:00 Snowboard. World Cup. Big Air. Live broadcast from Moscow

20:40 News

20:45 Dismantles in the style of kung fu

22:35 News

22:40 Football. ITALY championship. Live broadcast ("Napoli" - Sampdoria)

00:40 Everything for the match!

01:25 "Cult Tour." Results of the year

02:15 Speeding Sports. Europe championship. Broadcast from the Netherlands

02:40 Bobsley and Skeleton. World Cup. Broadcast from Germany

04:20 Messi.

TV program on January 7, 2017 on STS

05:45 Music on the STS

06:00 Yelalash

06:30 Nutcracker and Rat King

08:30 Smeshariki

09:00 SHOW "Ural Pelmeni" (mint January)

10:30 Time for 24 hours

11:30 Fairy Tales Shankova Marsh

11:40 Welcome, or the neighbors are prohibited

13:30 What do women want?

16:00 Ural dumplings (favorite)

16:50 Cartoons ("Passionate Madagascar". "Christmas stories")

17:40 Madagascar

19:20 Madagascar-2

21:00 Madagascar-3

22:45 Familyman

01:15 Monte Carlo

03:20 Real love

TV program on January 7, 2017 on Ren-TV

050 0 Territory of delusions "with Igor Prokopenko

06:00 National Policy Features

07:40 National Hunting Features

09:30 Features of national fishing

11: 20ggmurki

13:30 D. Day

150 0 The whole truth about Russian Duri. " Concert M. Zadornov

17:00 Generation of diapers. " Concert M. Zadornov

19:00 It seems that everything is not as bad as it seems. " Concert M. Zadornov

21:00 Election Day (1st - 4th Series)

00:15 Thai Voyage Stepanycha

02:00 Spanish Voyage Stepanycha

03:40 Mexican Voyage Stepanycha

TV program on January 7, 2017 on TNT

05:10 Selfie (9th series - "Follow through")

05:30 Sasha + Masha (40th series - "Mystery of the Psychologist")

06:00 Proof (5th series - "Remember Life")

07:00 TNT. MIX (3rd series)

07:30 TNT. MIX (4th series)

08:00 TNT. MIX (5th series)

08:30 TNT. MIX (6th series)

09:00 House-2. Lite.

10:00 House-2. Wedding per million

11:00 Once in Russia (15th series)

12:00 Once in Russia (40th series)

13:00 Once in Russia (62th series)

14:00 Once in Russia (64th series)

15:00 Once in Russia (65th series)

16:00 Once in Russia (67th series)

17:00 Once in Russia (68th series)

18:00 Where is the logic? (33rd series - "New Year'sdition")

19:00 Comedy Woman (192th series - "New Year'sdition")

19:30 Comedy Woman (192th series - "New Year'sdition")

20:00 Once in Russia (73rd series - "New Year'sdition")

21:00 Comedy Club (523th series - "New Year's release" Karaoke Star ", part 1st)

22:00 Comedy Club (524th series - "New Year's release" Karaoke Star ", part 2nd)

23:00 House-2. City of love

00:00 House-2. After sunset. Special translation

01:00 Date with a star

02:55 Arrow (18th series - "Deadly move")

03:45 People of the Future (15th series - "The enemy of my enemy")

04:35 Unsuitable for a date (13th series - "Hunt for a guy dream")

TV program on January 7, 2017 on home

05:00 home kitchen (76th series - "Sergey Gorobchenko")

05:30 Jamie: Lunch for 30 minutes (13th and 14th series)

06:30 Jamie: Lunch for 30 minutes (15th and 16th series)

07:30 Gone by wind

11:55 Scarlett (1st - 8th series)

19:00 Magnificent century. Empire Kössem (1st and 2nd series)

23:05 2017: Predictions (3rd series)

00:00 6 frames

00:30 Necklace for snowbabs

02:20 Wedding Size (14th - 16th Series)

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