"Film Africa" ​​held a press show of the cartoon "Spark. Hero of the Universe "in four cities of Russia


At every event of young guests who came together with their parents, surprises were waiting. In St. Petersburg, children entertained a cheerful animator from Psy Animation, and in Ufa - the Creative Studio "Fairy Tale". In Krasnoyarsk and Kazan, the guys were able to try on the image of the cartoon hero and other characters using aquagrim.

The director of the paintings by Aaron Woodli is more famous for the game paintings, such as thoughtful road Movie "Tennessee" and an unpredictable thriller "Unnamed." In his first full-length animation, he tells about an ambitious monkey - Teineeger Spark, which grows without parents on a lonely debris once a flourishing planet. Once he falls a chance to find his family, to understand who he really is, and, for which it is capable of saving the universe from the ruthless tyrant.

"Film Africa" ​​thanks all the guests who visited the press show, as well as partners for helping the organization of the event! Especially photographers who provided bright and high-quality pictures with the shows: Alexey Matronina, Olga Ilyina and Anastasia Sokolov. As well as cinemas, in whose comfortable and comfortable halls, the event was: "Cinema 5" in St. Petersburg, Kazan, Ufa and "Kinoshta" in Krasnoyarsk. Share your opinion about the picture on our website!

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