And yours, and ours: 10 actors who starred in films on comics Marvel and DC Comics


Ben Affleck

And yours, and ours: 10 actors who starred in films on comics Marvel and DC Comics 73008_1

The new Batman of the film dealer Dceu, Ben Affleck before trying the Batman's cloak, managed to light up in the "Solnik" about the MARVEL comics. The film was released in 2003 and did not speak much success - so the fact that Affleck eventually switched to a kind of competing franchise, it does not surprise us.

Michael Kiton.

And yours, and ours: 10 actors who starred in films on comics Marvel and DC Comics 73008_2

Another Batman, Michael Kiton, flashed in a superhero rant immediately in two DC Comics films from the director Tim Berton - "Batman" (1989) and "Batman returns" (1992). After exactly a quarter of a century, Michael will play a vulture in the "Spider Man: Returning Home", the MARVEL and Sony Pictures project.

Ryan Reynolds.

And yours, and ours: 10 actors who starred in films on comics Marvel and DC Comics 73008_3

With the comics Marvel Ryan sign, as with relatives: Reynolds starred as Wade Wilson in "X-People: Beginning. Wolverine, "lit up in Blade and in 2016 finally embodied a long-time dream, releasing the" Deadpool "on the big screen. Past Reynolds Cooperation with Marvel did not prevent the actor to get a role in the adaptation of the Comic DC - "Green Lantern". The film at the box office failed with the roar, but I gave Ryan to the acquaintance with the future spouse - Blake Lively.

Chris Evans

And yours, and ours: 10 actors who starred in films on comics Marvel and DC Comics 73008_4

Today, Chris is the "face" of the filmmaken MCU, a permanent captain America, but before that he managed to play in two films about the "fantastic four" (Marvel) and "Louchers" (2010), the adaptation of the DC Comics comic.

Tommy Lee Jones

And yours, and ours: 10 actors who starred in films on comics Marvel and DC Comics 73008_5

Colleague Chris on the "First Avenger", Tommy Lee Jones long before the appearance in MCU worked Harvey Det in the film "Batman forever", released in 1995.

Idris Elba

And yours, and ours: 10 actors who starred in films on comics Marvel and DC Comics 73008_6

Another actor who in recent years could be observed in the filmmaken MCU (in particular, in the Tor series), Idris Elba was a company to the future captain of America Chris Evans in the screening of "Lizers" DC Comics.

James Marsden

And yours, and ours: 10 actors who starred in films on comics Marvel and DC Comics 73008_7

Fans of comic shields Marvel James are familiar, first of all, according to the role of Cyclopa in the original series "X-Men", which went to the "Rebuta" with Fassbender and Macovem. And in 2006, Marsden switched to DC Comics and starred in the "Return of Superman" with Brandon Ruth, Kate Bosworth and Kevin Spacy.

Halle Berry

And yours, and ours: 10 actors who starred in films on comics Marvel and DC Comics 73008_8

Another "veteran" franchise about "people X", Holly Berry played a mutant storm in four films, including the "Days of the last Future" in 2014. And in 2004 Holly briefly changed the costume and starred in the role of female cats in the DC Comics solo film, which turned out to be so failing that he won the antipremia of "Golden Malina." It is worth paying tribute to Holly - she arrived in antipremia personally.

Kallen Mulway

And yours, and ours: 10 actors who starred in films on comics Marvel and DC Comics 73008_9

The New Zealand actor superhero costumes did not get, but the MCU fans are familiar well enough: in 2014, Kallen appeared as Jack Rollins, one of the secret agents of the Hydra in the board, in the "First Avenue: Another War." And two years later, in the "Batman against Superman", Kallen played another negative character - this time the "evil Russian" Anatoly Knyazev, in the DC comics known as the KGBIrs.

David Dostmalchyan.

And yours, and ours: 10 actors who starred in films on comics Marvel and DC Comics 73008_10

Another actor who was not enough for superhero roles - at first David played quite memorable, albeit a small, the role of a psychopath in the "Dark Knight" Christopher Nolan (2008), and after 7 years, in 2015, joined the group of human-human friends ( Paul Radd) in the movie of the same name. The role of Kurt, a person-anal friend, David will again fulfill the film in the sequel, whose release is scheduled for July 5, 2018.

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