Warner Bros approved a fan film about the youth of Volan de Morta


A trailer, published on Youtube on May 28, has already managed to earn 2.4 million views and collect over thousands of positive responses from fans of the Harry Potter Universe. Representatives of the Tryangle Films, which engaged in the filming of the fan film, said that they had a "confidential discussion" with Warner Bros. "All we can say is that the studio allowed us to shoot the film, of course, provided that we will not make a profit."

The film about the youth of Toma Redlla is designed to show the story of the formation of the Dark Lord before the appearance of Harry Potter and before the first death of Wolan de Morta - as Reddl became a dark Lord, which happened after his return to Hogwarts. The shooting of the fan film goes right now, and unfortunately, while he has no accurate date of exit.

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