Indian dances and DNA test: Vasilyev called the Morgettern Son on "Let's get married!"


In the festive release of the program "Let's get married!" Several stars of Russian show business appeared as guests, one of which was a popular Morgenstern rapper.

He appeared in the transmission as a friend of the "groom" Slawa Marlow, who decided to choose his beloved thus. The most memorable moment of the program was the emergence of the historian of Fashion Alexander Vasilyeva, who in the network recently raised by the Father Morgenstern.

The fact is that the photos of early youth Vasilyev and the current pictures of Rapper are incredibly similar that the Internet users noted. Combined frames on collages for a long time "walk" in social networks, growing rumors.

The creator of the "fashionable sentence" decided to play out with universal expectations and at the entrance to the studio addressed the musician: "Where is he? Son ... how old is how many winters. "

To the end of the program, artists continued to depict relatives. At some point in the studio, an "expert" was invited, designed to read the results of the DNA test.

It turned out to be a girl in Indian Sari, who, without reading the document to the end, began to dance under Indian music, involving the participants of the program, as usual and happens in the Indian cinema ...

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