"No strength, dying": the former wife of Arshavin told why he fell into one for four days


Alisa Arshavin, the former wife of the famous football player Andrei Arshavin, has no longer enough time to cope with several serious diseases, because of which not so long ago was introduced into an artificial one. About his condition, the celebrity told in a conversation with the elast edition.

According to journalists, Arshavin was in intensive care due to acute pancreatitis. Doctors introduced a girl in an artificial one for four days, struggling for her life. Now Alice is located in one of the hospitals of the Northern Capital under the close observation of doctors.

"There is no strength, dying. If you add to this, everything that happened earlier, "said Arshavin.

Also, not so long ago, the celebrity struggled with autoimmune necrosis, which destroyed her nose and jaw. Surgeons made several operations, restoring Alice, but for a long time they could not understand what exactly led to it.

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In addition, as "Starhit" reports, the former spouse Arshavin has problems not only with health. According to the publication, in the near future it can be evicted from the house near St. Petersburg, where she lives with three children, and which the former husband Alice designed for his mother. The first instance has already satisfied the lawsuit of a football player, and one of the defendants in the case passes the common daughter of the former spouses - four-year-old Esenia.

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