Beauty Secrets: Gosh 9 Shades Shadow Collection Shadow Collection


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Gosh cosmetics enjoys a good reputation due to the high quality of products and a variety of colors, but it can not be bought everywhere. I accidentally came across their corner in Moscow, and of course I could not pass by.

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The pallet attracted my attention to an interesting set of shades and matte texture, only the first three light colors have a shimmer. Matte shadows give the effect of natural haze in their eyes without a unnecessary holiday in the form of sequins.

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Pallet with a large mirror in which you can see both eyes at once (it is strange that not all manufacturers are guessed as it is convenient).

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And now more about the shadows.

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Color in a century will be exactly such as in the palette, that is, soft and gentle, without drama. The thing for every day, you can not be afraid to overdo it. Shadows are not rolled, but they can turn if you try to apply several layers at once. The color will not fall brighter, this set is characterized by soft shades.

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It is best to apply the shadow on the base (in this case it is a tonal cream)

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