Film crimits called a "wonderful woman" the best film of the film DCEU


Judging by the first reviews of the movieSpert, thanks to the "Wonder Woman" Warner Bros. Finally, it will be possible to fix the positions of the DCEU, shaken after the criticism literally defeated first "Batman against Superman" first, and then "squid squirrel".

"Miracle Woman" is a fascinating, colorful, exciting film, which DCEU fans and Haters were waiting for. "

"Miracle Woman" - DC film, which I waited for so long. Fascinating, inspiring, funny, with action scenes, from which the Spirit is captured "

"Finally, I can say that I liked the" Wonder Woman "! Wonderful film, with heart and humanity that were needed by DCEU "

"Miracle Woman" is, without any questions, the best movie DCEU today. Bravo, Patty Jenkins, Gal Gadot and Jeff Jones! "

"I am glad to announce that the" miracle-woman "is a terrific success, and Gadot Gali is fantastic. Her "Chemistry" with Chris Paine is something. Recommend"

"Miracle Woman" is the best movie DCEU today. Switching from mythology on the history of the second world wonderfully worked. "

"I liked the" wonder-woman. " The film reminds me of "Superman" Christopher Rivza - a real superhero without host and cynicism, just what we need now "

"Miracle Woman" is my favorite Dceu movie. It has a humor and the heart that was so desperately lacked a franchise. Gadot and Pine adorable to hell "

"I am glad to report that the" Miracle Woman "is the best DC film since the time of the Dark Knight. I look forward to the opportunity to watch it again. "

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