Mommy Issues: Hollywood handsome, married women older than themselves


The reason for such memories was the recent hot discussions of the new president of France Emmanuel Macgron and his spouse Bridget. The fact is that Emmanuel is now 39 years old, and his wife - 64. Despite this, President of France regularly talks about his deep and unchanged love for Bridget, and evil languages, nevertheless, trick that it is just "beard".

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But let the politics remain somewhere behind the scenes, and we will talk about what you really understand - about Hollywood actors! Attention : The opinion of the authors of the article may not coincide with yours, and this is normal. And yes, perhaps we envy a little.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Sam Johnson

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The first couple, which comes to mind in the category "Where His Eyes", - Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Sam Johnson. If there were no numerous recognition of Aaron in the fact that he literally wore his spouse and wants to spend at home as much time, it would be possible to think that the director deliberately planted a promising and beautiful actor under the castle, "so that no one is wilts." What is explained by the incredible thrust of Taylor-Johnson to his wife, which is older than it for 23 years, we do not know. Perhaps his experience is attracted or, we will not harm the soul, the profession of spouse, but beyond anyone, 19-year-old Aaron falls in love with 42-year-old Sam on the filming of the film "Become John Lennon." And although almost no one believed in their relationship, a couple for many years together and does not give reasons for gossip or scandals.

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Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher

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Recall a couple, which has already been left in the past - Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher. Here, Ashton, we, of course, can understand. In 2003, Hollywood surprised a new couple. Demi was older than his beloved for 16 years, but then the 40-year-old Moore looked very good. Ashton later admitted that Demi would conquer him (admit, and not only him) his role in the film "Ghost." The marriage lasted for 6 years and ended with a scandalous divorce due to the change of Kutcher. To blame the young and attractive actor in that he hooked on the hot young bodies - it's useless. The more Demi tried to fight with age, dressed in the clothes inappropriate to her and getting fond of injections, and the more tried to bind a spouse to him, the more Ashton rushed to freedom. Be that as it may, now the Kutcher is happily married to Mile Cunis, with whom the daughter is raising, and Demi is one.

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That's how Demi looks like today:

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Happy young parents - Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher (December 2016)

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Hugh Jackman and Debora Lee Farness

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Another pain for fans was the choice of wife Hugh Jackman. More precisely, in those days, when we still slept calmly and knew did not know about the Australian handsome, in 1995 he meets the love of his life - a pretty cute Deboor Lee Ferness. The difference in the age of them is 13 years old, and if earlier it was not so stronger in the eyes, now the appearance of spouses is very different.

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Hugh years went, undoubtedly, benefit, which cannot be said about his spouse. As Jackman himself says, in his wife he sees, first of all, a good mother and a faithful friend. Perhaps it is somehow connected with endless rumors about the unconventional orientation of Mr. Wolverine, but there is still no confirmation of this.

We're just going out for a walk ..... #metgala #redcarpet

Публикация от Hugh Jackman (@thehughjackman)

Guy Richie and Madonna

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When the famous British director, a master of nontrivial humor, Guy Richie married Madonne, not to laughter. First, the singer was older than his new husband for 10 years, secondly, it seemed that they were from completely different worlds. They met at Sting Party in 1998. As both recognized, it was not love at first sight, but soon turned into a real feeling. This present sense is eventually ended with a real divorce and a real mutual dislike. Later Richie confessed that the marriage with a pop star was more like a soapy opera than on a real family. Their son Rocco did not have escaped from under the guardianship of the mother back to the Father in England. Now Guy is married happily, and the 58-year-old Madonna continues to shock the public with candid outfits, which, must be admitted, the lady of her age does not paint at all. Her novels with young boys, whose names are forgotten also easily, like new hits of Madonna, no end and edge, and you just want to wish the star to find, finally, who can give her female happiness.

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In this photo, Guy Richie already obviously realized that he turned in life somewhere wrong

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In July 2015, Guy Richie hit another extreme and married Jackie Ensley model, which is 13 years old by the director.

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Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon

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Once upon a time, a young comedy actor Nick Cannon said that Mariah Carey is his ideal of female beauty, and he will surely meet her. No sooner said than done! In 2005, Cannon handed the Teen Choice Awards to Mariah and suffered. After three years, the couple got married, and after another three years, they had twins Monroe and Mardroan. When Carey could really boast not only a brilliant voice, but also an excellent figure, but the last decade of the singer dedicated to a severe fight against overweight, in which the latter seems to be wins. Perhaps this was the reason for the divorce of Nick and Mariah after 6 years of marriage, but they managed to preserve good friendly relations. After marriage with Cannon, whom the singer was older for 11 years, she had several unsuccessful novels. It is rumored that the scandalous and extremely capricious character of Mariah prevents her to build strong relationships with men, but the nickname lasted for quite a long time - apparently, the sense of humor really helps in any situations.

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Even parting, Nick and Mariay support friendships for the sake of children - recently stars with the whole family came to the Red Track Kids Choice Awards 2017

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