Plum-Plum-Biceps Steve: Like Hugh Jackman, Marvel and Captain America introduced a fashion for "superhero" body


Long before, together with the XXI century, the era of superhero blockbusters came, the star films were quite calmly without cubes of the press and biceps in size with a melon - that Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones ", that Mel Gibson in" fatal weapons ". Yes, and the first superhero blockbusters of the beginning of the two thousand special requirements for actors did not prevent. Toby Maguire in the first "spider person" (2002) boasted a relief, but not excessive muscles, and Chris Evans in the "fantastic four" (2005) could not boast of the breast muscles, according to which she met after 6 years, the winter soldier "Sebastian Stan, you can" ride a car. "

Toby Maguire in the film "Spiderman" (2002)

Plum-Plum-Biceps Steve: Like Hugh Jackman, Marvel and Captain America introduced a fashion for

Chris Evans is already getting used to shooting with naked torso for future films about Captain America in the "Fantastic Four" (2005)

Plum-Plum-Biceps Steve: Like Hugh Jackman, Marvel and Captain America introduced a fashion for

And then I came Hugh Jackman, and wrap ...

In the distant 2000, 17 years ago, 31-year-old Hugh Jackman for the first time played Wolverine in the very first "people of X", and there was no particular over the set of forms for the film. However, unlike many of his colleagues in the superhero genre, Jackman found that his character, Wolverine, for the integrity of the image of the muscle mountain is simply necessary - and to the film "X-Men: Last Battle" in 2006 Hugh and his biceps changed radically.

"To" and "after": Jackman in "People of X" 2000 and the "last battle" 2006

Plum-Plum-Biceps Steve: Like Hugh Jackman, Marvel and Captain America introduced a fashion for

Plum-Plum-Biceps Steve: Like Hugh Jackman, Marvel and Captain America introduced a fashion for

"In the first three films about the people of X Wolverine, it did not look as I wanted," Jackman told about Logan's exit. "I always wanted Logan to look primitive, wild, dangerous, tense, like a spring. I wanted the audience to believe that Logan could easily tear someone a ball. "

Primitive Hugh Jackman in "X-People: Days of the last future", 2014

Plum-Plum-Biceps Steve: Like Hugh Jackman, Marvel and Captain America introduced a fashion for

17 years later, in March 2017, "Logan", now 48-year-old Jackman was last granted Romolosha, without reducing the bar of the physical form.

Diabetes for 50 million dollars

While Hugh Jackman in his native Australia slowed down to the start of the shooting "X-Men: Last Battle", Ocean, in the USA, in the gym Mental on Coaches Christian Bale - the future star of the trilogy about Batman Christopher Light Nolan. Christian Bale had to be, probably heavier than all other stars of superhero blockbusters, which past that future. 6 months before the start of the shooting "Batman: the beginning" Bale, starring before that in the "Machine", weighed only 54 kilograms, and during the preparation for the role of Superhero scored 45 kg, practically settling in the gym.

Christian Bale in "Batman: the beginning" (2005) and "Machinist" (2004)

Plum-Plum-Biceps Steve: Like Hugh Jackman, Marvel and Captain America introduced a fashion for

Together with Hugh Jacman, Christian Bale and strengthened the "fashion" on physical form with the prefix "Super" a few years before Marvel woke up and began to rivet superhero blockbusters one by one.

Bale in the "Dark Knight", 2008

Plum-Plum-Biceps Steve: Like Hugh Jackman, Marvel and Captain America introduced a fashion for

And when in the "Dark Knight: the return of the legend" (2012) to Christian joined the swinging to some incredible sizes of Tom Hardy, Bale had to try to fit.

Plum-Plum-Biceps Steve: Like Hugh Jackman, Marvel and Captain America introduced a fashion for

Frames with Bale from "Dark Knight: Return of Legend"

Plum-Plum-Biceps Steve: Like Hugh Jackman, Marvel and Captain America introduced a fashion for

Plum-Plum-Biceps Steve: Like Hugh Jackman, Marvel and Captain America introduced a fashion for

For the trilogy about Batman Bale received in the amount of about $ 50 million of the fee, but the actor's health was seriously undermined by constant weight fluctuations - rumors were rumored that in the end, Christian developed diabetes (just like Tom Hanks, earned diabetes because of the long-standing role in " Philadelphia "). Today, Bail from roles requiring impressive change changes, refuses, and in superhero films it is shut down forever.

And MCU has come

If Jackman and Baila can be called "fathers-founding fathers" of fashion for superhero bodies, then thanks to Marvel, in 2008, the "iron man" launched a film model, the presence of cubes of the press, huge biceps, the chest muscles of a la car (© Sebastian Stan) became practically compulsory. In MCU there are two equally excellent traditions: first, in each film Marvel, someone is deprived of his hands (this is a tribute to the "Star Wars"), secondly, almost in every new part of the MCU someone necessarily "shines" Nude torso.

Chris Evans in the "First Avenge" (2011); The most beautiful thing in this frame is the expression of a nurse face

Plum-Plum-Biceps Steve: Like Hugh Jackman, Marvel and Captain America introduced a fashion for

Chris Hemsworth in Tore (2011)

Plum-Plum-Biceps Steve: Like Hugh Jackman, Marvel and Captain America introduced a fashion for
Plum-Plum-Biceps Steve: Like Hugh Jackman, Marvel and Captain America introduced a fashion for

Mark Ruffalo in "Avengers" (2012)

Plum-Plum-Biceps Steve: Like Hugh Jackman, Marvel and Captain America introduced a fashion for
Plum-Plum-Biceps Steve: Like Hugh Jackman, Marvel and Captain America introduced a fashion for

Sebastian Stan in "First Avenger: Another War" (2014)

Plum-Plum-Biceps Steve: Like Hugh Jackman, Marvel and Captain America introduced a fashion for

Chris Prett in the "Galaxy Guards" (2014), which was dropping for this role 30 kg

Plum-Plum-Biceps Steve: Like Hugh Jackman, Marvel and Captain America introduced a fashion for

Paul Rudd in "Man-Muraury" (2015)

Plum-Plum-Biceps Steve: Like Hugh Jackman, Marvel and Captain America introduced a fashion for

Not at all mandatory in terms of the plot development, but still a pleasant moment with Aaron Taylor-Johnson in "Avengers: Era Altron" (2015)

Plum-Plum-Biceps Steve: Like Hugh Jackman, Marvel and Captain America introduced a fashion for

The tradition made a failure in the "First Avenger: confrontation" (2016), where the superhero clasped with each other became no longer enough to undressing / dressing up - on the one hand, and on the other - why someone undress, if there is the same biceps of Steve ?

Plum-Plum-Biceps Steve: Like Hugh Jackman, Marvel and Captain America introduced a fashion for

It is not surprising that the face of the tanks is almost like that nurse from the very first "first avenger" :)

Plum-Plum-Biceps Steve: Like Hugh Jackman, Marvel and Captain America introduced a fashion for

Judging by the new photos of Chris Hemsworth, on whom he trains for shooting "Avengers: War of Infinity," in May 2018, we are waiting for another holiday of superhero bodies (and given the number of actors employed in the next superhero blockbuster Marvel and a whole parade).

Plum-Plum-Biceps Steve: Like Hugh Jackman, Marvel and Captain America introduced a fashion for

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