Gay, death, feminism: We disassemble the main new trends of Hollywood blockbusters


#Give Captain America A Boyfriend

At the end of May 2016, after a few days after the premiere in the cinemas "First Avenger: confrontation", social networks blew up new hashtag #givecaptainamericaaboyfriend - Creek of the soul of tens of thousands of users who did not have romantic same-sex relationships in the next superhero marvel blockbuster.

Marvel did not go to the audience, instead of a boyfriend, providing the captain of America "Position" of the leader Hydra in his comics, but trend hasteg (about which almost all devoted to the film industry media was reflected in the Trend - LGBT-Representation in the movies.

Homoerotic subtext in Hollywood films produced by not some kind of newcomers and small independent studios, and most of the Major - a tendency, which is rapidly gaining momentum. 20th Century Fox and Director Matthew Von Widow played with this trend in a "restart" franchise about the people of X - thanks to the on-screen "chemistry" of James Makevoy and Michael Fassbender "X-Men: First Class" literally sparks the notorious subtext.

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In the neighboring sandbox, the main star of the film marvel Marvel Robert Downey Jr. flies with fans, admitting love to the very captain of America, Chris Evans, on behalf of his Tony Stark on social networks.

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"Mighty Rangers", which appeared on the screens in the spring of 2017, were generally kept in history, becoming the first filmmix with an open LGBT character in Roster.

Of course, incarnation into the life of the most Hastega about Captain America and his theoretical boyfriend fans of the filmmovered Marvel in the near future should not be expected - the film studio adheres to strict politics with the "childish" rating of PG-13. But Disney (which marvel also belongs) does not mind keeping up with the times - LGBT character, albeit in a secondary role, even take a place in the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast". Despite all the hype on this, the "Beauty and the Beast" successfully earned more than a billion - so the precedent, in fact, was created.

The most long-suffering pseudogee in "Beauty and the Beast":

In the next, 2018 we are waiting for at least one more example of a pronounced homoerotic subtext - in the form of a sequel "fantastic creatures and where they dwell." The efforts of Joan Rowling, the author "Harry Potter", the fans of the original series have long been aware of the unconventional orientation of Dumbledore, whose youth will be devoted to the film on November 2018. Since Warner Bros. Not for the first time I am trying to get into the rut asked by competitors, sparkling Peyring Dumbledore-Grindevald (performed without exaggerating the brilliant actors Juda Lowe and Johnny Depp) is quite likely.

And we no longer doubt that this trend will very much contribute to the fact that the main award at Oscar 2017 took the "Moonlight" - the drama about the dark-skinned homosexual.

... And at the end, everyone died

The "Armageddon" who came out in now and almost bearded in 1998, the classic, seemingly Hollywood blockbuster, to some extent surprised by the audience the ending - invincible Bruce Willis could not just die, but, nevertheless, heroically died, pretty By retaining the traditional happie-end (although in Armageddon, he was given only the role of the second plan). It took almost 20 years - and before that the most traditional Happi-End risks not even the main characters.

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Nobody insured against death, no matter how tens of millions did not follow the budget of the film and actors' fees - it is worth remembering at least the first spin-off of the "Star Wars", "ogo-one", in which the scripts of the underestimated hand did the whole caste at all.

Of course, while the gloomy ending and death of the main character is rather a rarity due to the forced necessity. However, in "Logan", from where Romolosha - Hugh Jackman went on the rest, the screenwriters could simply send a retirement hero, and not a direct course in the grave. At the same time, the death of a key character does not interfere with the films to make the cashier - and "Kome-one", and Logan earned hundreds of millions of dollars (the spin-off "Star Wars" so and generally took the bar in a billion), passing the hysteria from Those who still have not learned to avoid spoilers on the Internet.

DeathFest in "Izgoy-One. Star Wars: Stories »

Blood, guts, that's all this

"Logan", which came to the screens in March 2017, to overcome the bar in a billion dollars of cash fees failed, but became an excellent example of two trends in the film industry - in addition to the unlawful permission to kill everyone who is coming under the arm, the scripts of large-budget projects received approval and on "Adult" Rating R. Success first "Deadpool", and then "Logan" confirmed that films with age limit are quite capable of collecting not just a good cashier, but hundreds of millions of dollars at the box office.

"Dadpool" so and in general turned out to be in second place in the list of the most profitable projects of 2016, giving only the cartoon "Secret Life of Pets".

Dadpulskaya massacre a chainsaw to all that falls at hand:

"Adult" film rating can get on a variety of reasons - from erotic content to graphic display of violence and cruel scenes. The abundance of bloody scenes, more and more inventive ways to straighten with enemies and old good murders with the tear of the limbs - cruelly, spectacular and, as the experience of 2016-2017 shows, is still fashionable. Warner Bros. With her superhero film dealer DCEU already expresses interest in projects with Rating R someday in the future - so the trend specified by the 20th Century Fox will be guaranteed to gain momentum.

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One in the field - warrior

2016 in the film industry has become a real anthem feminism - a hot-discussed "female" remote "Gunning hunters", Jennifer Lawrence and other Hollywood actresses of first magnitude demanded to equate their fees to the fees of colleagues, and Warner Bros., being ahead of the planet The whole, started shooting "Wonder Women" - the first in the history of Hollywood superhero blockbuster, the main role in which is given to a woman, and not another man in the leggings.

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No, the world is not yet tired of men in tight trico, but the trend is obvious. The same Warner Bros., for example, it prepares for another two "female" superhero blockbusters - Spin-off "Suicide Squater" from Harley Queenn in the lead role and a film about Batgerl, who had long-stayed who had long dreamed of a feminist revolution in Hollywood Joss Outon ( Directed by Avengers).

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20th Century Fox the main character of the next chapter about the people of X is going to make Jean Gray performed by the star "Games of Thrones" Sophie Turner, again embodying the arch on the screen on the dark Phoenix from comics, and Charlize Theron will already break faces in the spy thriller "explosive blonde "

Charlize Theron destroys men and seduces women in the "explosive blonde"

In the coming years, "female" projects - with actresses in the lead role and men in tight tricially, at best, as loyal assistants of the second plan - will be guaranteed.

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