Mila Kunis appealed to the future dads: you are not a beman!


Then Kimmel remarked: "I and my wife are also pregnant, we will also have a child soon." The 30-year-old actress asked with sarcasm: "Oh, both will have a child. Are you pregnant your wife? "

Suddenly she stood sharply, took the microphone and said: "Hi, I Mila Cunis and I have a special message to all future dads. Stop saying "We are pregnant." You are not pregnant. Do you have to push a person with a watermelon size? Not. Do you cry alone in the car under the stupid song Bett Midler? Not. When do you wake up and run to the toilet, because do you wear a person? Not! Because you drank too much tequila. Do you know how many tequis do we drink? Not at all. Because we can not drink tequila, we can not drink anything! Because the little beloved Goblin is growing inside us. And all you did, it turned away and fell asleep. You are not pregnant. And we yes. "

After this producer speech, a few other pregnant women joined the scene, which carried big buckets with ice cream.

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