Robert Downey Junior in Esquire magazine. May 2012.


About what is the father : "I think, in the last three weeks, this happens to me: all expectations and fears are gradually returning. Should I know how to handle my son? Should every person who has become a parent, even if not the first time, know how to behave? In fact, the only thing you need to do is the main requirement is not to transfer your own discomfort at a given minute to a small little man. You need to remember this. I would not want to be too confident. It is necessary to find a balance between a relaxed condition and anxiety. In order not to create unnecessary problems due to excessive calm. Such a style of education of children I also saw. "

About the role of heroes : "Would I like to be a hero for my son? Not. I would like to be absolutely real. It is pretty hard. You know, every father is not ideal. This is due to your offense and disappointments. Or you just can not understand why life is so hard. In my opinion, the image of the hero has nothing to do with real human experience. "

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