On the salvation of Multivalented: Stephen Amell in the trailer 8 of the "arrows"


Very soon fans of the adaptation of comic DCs will have to say goodbye to the love show. The series, which posted the beginning of the overall arrows, will end after the 8th season, which will consist of 10 episodes. And the new official "arrows" trailer opened the curtain of secrecy over the events of the last part of the adventures of Oliver Quina.

On the salvation of Multivalented: Stephen Amell in the trailer 8 of the

It turned out that the hero armed with the armed and arrows would take care of the salvation of the Multivalented and his mission to reach apogee in the coming grand crossover called the "crisis on endless lands". By the way, the final season of "arrows" will collect together the well-known heroes of the series, which previously moved to the shadow for one reason or another. So, for example, fans will be able to see Willy Holland characters, John Barroman and Suzanne Thompson.

On the salvation of Multivalented: Stephen Amell in the trailer 8 of the

It has previously known that the producers of the series are thinking to create spin-offs, focused on female characters, in which Catherine McNamar and Katie Cassidy will be involved.

Finally understand what the fate of the multiverse will be will help a five-part crossover "Crisis on endless lands", which will bring together the most important heroes of DC - supergel, betweumen, flushes and an arrow. Five episodes, each of which lasts on the hour will be shown in December 2019 - January 2020. The crossover was called one of the epic series of comics, published in 1985 - 1986. In it, the heroes and villains of DC were rallied to fight the anti-monitor, who wants to destroy all the multi-sense.

The premiere of the "crisis on endless lands" remains for several months, but the final season "arrows" will be released on the screens on October 15.

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