Nicole Kidman looks older than his years in the film trailer "Schegol"


A few hours ago, Nicole Kidman surprised fans with their transformation, posing a painting trailer in Instagram account. In some excerpts of a minute roller, the actress appeared in the image of Elderly Mrs. Barbur, adding an extra summer with the help of a gray wig and makeup. Star colleagues and friends of Kidman in the face of Rita Wilson, Reese Witherspoon and Gwyneth Paltrow said that they could not wait for the moment when they see the shielding of best-selling Donna Tart. For the monophoned Novel of 2013, the writer received a Pulitzer Prize.

Nicole Kidman looks older than his years in the film trailer

Nicole Kidman looks older than his years in the film trailer

In the film, Nicole fulfilled the role of the New York Silent Lioness, who took the deceiver orphaned deceiver as a result of the terrorist attack. After the boy lost his mother in the explosion, the picture of the Dutch artist of Karel Fabrichus was in his hands, which eventually became its curse and salvation at the same time.

Finn Wolfehard, Jeffrey Wright, Sarah Poleson and others joined Kidman and Elgort. John Krauli is replied for the film.

The Russian premiere will be held on September 12, 2019.

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