Presents the first remote trailer "Pet Cemeteries"


The plot of the film is simple: Dr. Luis Creed with his wife and children moves to a small town. His new house is located on the outskirts of the forest, in the wilds of which is the ancient Indian cemetery - pet graveyard. Crea warn that it is necessary to stay away from this dark, dangerous place, but when his Cherge's cat dies under the wheels of the truck, the doctor burst him away there. Everything would be nothing, but one day a blackman returns, and it starts the chain of scary, bloody events. Because the dead should remain dead.

The trailer promises to us a film with unexpected screenshots, a frightening atmosphere, memorable musical accompaniment and, most importantly, the cat. We look:

For the screening of the book, directed by Kevin Kolch and Denis Widmayer ("Creek", "Black Holidays"). The project was produced by Lorenzo di Boventatura, who worked on such projects as "Dum", "1408", "Observing" and "Rest of the Dead."

Starring: Jason Clark ("Terminator: Genesis"), John Lithoou ("InterSellar") and Amy Symez ("Very weird business"). The premiere of the film in the cinemas is waiting for April 4, 2019.

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