"And could be in any way": Daria Moroz spoke about the relationship of the daughter of Bogomolov from Sobchak


Until the current Union with Ksenia Sobchak, the director Konstantin Bogomolov, for the eight years, was married to the actress Daria Moroz. About their difficult past, the artist told in some past interviews, hinting that the producer was not so successful, as now, and therefore, frost responded for income in the family. Konstantin also spent time with their common daughter Anya.

About the causes of divorce none of the former spouses told. Considering that soon after the gap of the Bogomolov noted the wedding with Ksenia Sobchak, Haters suggested that it was a journalist and provoked parting. However, frost calmly refers to Ksenia, not counting it with a rival. Moreover, Sobchak is friendly belonging to the daughter of the spouse and Anya often the guests have at home.

"I am very grateful to Ksenia for the fact that she was so friendly accepted Any. After all, it could be in any way, "Daria admitted in an interview with Psychologies.

At the same time, the frost remains grateful to the ex-husband for revealed in it those the verge of the personality, which she did not even suspect. According to her, Daria feels much greasy than before.

By the way, Ksenia before marriage with Konstantin was also married. From Maxim Vitorgan she will grow up with the son of Plato.

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