"She is from the best journalists in the country": Ksenia Sobchak's husband praised her for an interview with Transgender


Konstantin Bogomolov infrequently publicly expresses about other people. However, after an interview with his spouse with Transgender, Natalia Maximova, he could not hold back the words of admiration, dedicating Ksenia Sobchak post in Instagram.

"Looked in the last week two almost simultaneously published interviews. One thing is made by the COP. Other - no she. Both in the Trends YouTube. One thing - with a little-known in the people of the people. Other - with a person with millions of fans. One thing is impossible to go away. Another - can be "," Konstantin Bogomolov wrote.

According to the director, Great Art lies in turning the interview to confession. The last interview with Sobchak, he just saw that only his journalistic talent proves. His wife of Bogomolov called one of the best journalists of the country at the moment.

He praised Ksenia Anatolyevna and for the fact that she had enough courage to invite to his YouTube channel "Caution, Sobchak!" A little-known person and make qualitatively the material that was interesting primarily to her, and not all the other spectators.

"And I thought about the next. When the confession is so difficult and complicated, and not all understandable and pleasant, and such a non-standard, but the true life is watching millions - is it not a great deal of real softening of hearts?! Ksyu, you are the value. And she is very beloved and beautiful, and I believe her! " - summed up Konstantin.

Subscribers Bogomolov supported him and noted that the interview with Sobchak was also looking with great interest. "Yes, Ksenia is really a talented journalist!", "Lord, how rarely and joyfully read in the lines of love ...", "I fully agree. Every release is looking forward to "," Ksenia continues to admire and amaze! A talented journalist, which progresses with each work, "commented on the Post Follover Director.

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