"Pulls out to the liver": Konstantin Bogomolov congratulated Ksenia Sobchak with the 39th anniversary


The other day Ksenia Sobchak celebrated its 39th birthday and wrote in Instagram that he did not expect such a huge amount of love and warm messages. Of course, on the side of her husband Konstantin Bogomolov, who one of the first publicly congratulated his beloved.

"She skews the sky, burns ice and pulls out to the liver. I am proud to love, I admire, "the director wrote in his microblog. A tender message he escorted a photo of Sobchak, on which she was trying to reach the Ostankino television.

"I didn't even notice how you shot me beautifully," the birthdaynica responded with delight. "Unique," - Poland Glucose's friend. "She is a genius, and you are a genius, you watch one pleasure for you", "a delightful woman next to a delicious man," "How beautiful you found each other," "You are very harmonious together, I understand why Ksenia chose you exactly" - rejoice at a beautiful couple in the comments.

Recall that the Bogomolov and Sobchak began to meet when she was married to Maxim Vitorgan. Fortunately, the ex-spouse no longer holds evil on his unfaithful wife and found a new chief - the young actress Nino Ninidze.

Interestingly, there are few people perceived by a pod-native and shock wedding of Constantine and Ksenia, but the senses of newlyweds really were sincere. Lovers are often shared by joint photos in social networks and leave under them nontrivial and very touching signatures.

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