Miley Cyrus will not finish as Britney or Lindsay Lohan


Miley says: "First of all, I do not want to upset my parents. My mother's father died when she was 18, and if something happens to one of my parents, I want them to be proud of me. I think it is selfish - all the time go to parties, especially if you have a family. I have a 9-year-old sister, and I do not want it to go to school, and there would be laughing at her because of me. Once I was handed a bag with vodka inside as a gift. No one thought she gives her a 12-year-old girl. " The 16-year-old singer admitted that he had no remorse, which was found with a 20-year-old Justin Gastron. "I don't think I do something wrong. My fans understand me and want me to be happy. "

When the girl was asked who is for her imitation example for her, she said that this is Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie. In Aniston, it admires perseverance, strong character and life, and in Jolie, how she was able to change in recent years, turn out of a rough smoking girl in the lady.

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