Star "Vampire Diaries" Candice King hinted at the appearance of Caroline in the "Heritage"


The star published a new post in Instagram, excited her fans. King shared a photo from the first in her career comic con and wrote: "It was in 2011. I was in such a delight from my first panel of the Vampire Diaries, and then even more excreted when I noticed that I was not named in front of me with the name. Seth Gabel perfectly spent time, and for me it will be an honor to announce that I will return to the Comic Con this year. Watch out for the "Heritage" panel on this Friday. "

The fans came to delight not only from the possibility of seeing a favorite actress, but also from the likelihood that she will play in Spin-off the Vampire Diaries. "One step closer to Caroline in" Heritage "," "What will you play in the second season?", "We need a Scene line Caroline this season," "I want to know what happened to her and Claus," wrote commentators .


Usually, the panels appear the actors who played in the series, so fans and crossed your fingers in the hope that another familiar heroine will return to the screens. So it will be or not, it will be known on July 19 in San Diego.

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