Showranner "Heritage" told what actors from the "Vampire Diaries" can be held in the new season


"Except that I completely approve the appearance of Kai Parker (Chris Wood) in this show, I would like to see many others. I would like to see Bonnie (Kat Graham), Caroline (Kendis King), Vincent (Yusuf Gaitwood), Freya (Riley Walkel) and aunt Rebeccu (Claire Holt). The door is always open. It is only a matter of matching the interests of these actors and the possibility of their appearance in the plot at the right time, "said Julie in an interview with TV Guide.



In the "Heritage", such actors have already lit up, as a logging in the form of Matt Donovan, Stephen R. McQueen, who played Jeremy Gilbert, and Jadidaya Gudakr - Roman from the "Ancient" series. If we talk about the main stars of the "Vampire Diaries", then Paul Wesley appeared on the shooting area of ​​the series to help Matthew Davis to remove one of the episodes, and Ian Somerhalder so far only teases the fans of "vampire" snapshots in Instagram, while Nina Dobrev promotes his New Sitkom.


According to Julie Plek, she does not promise that all the actors listed by it really appear in the following series, but if the creators have the opportunity to return the favorite heroes in the show, they will definitely use it.

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