Sensorial colleagues about Pattinson and Lautner's kiss


Vampire brother Jackson Rathbone said the following: "I think that we all waited for a kiss of Rob and Taylor. We have all waited for a long time. We knew that it would ever happen. And it happened on MTV Movie Awards 2011. Finally, they recognized their love Family. I think next year there must be such a nomination. Kiss a guy with a guy. "

Vampire daddy Peter Fachinelley with her one more cinema son-vampire Kellan Lutz said in one voice that: "It was the truth of the best kiss of the year!"

Vampire daughter Nikki Reed and at all suggested Piter Fachinelly to keep up from the guys and also organize something like, for example, began to take his hands with Kellah Lutz or also kiss.

Kellan Latz did not hide his cinema himself in his cheek himself, then both laughing, promised to arrange something like intimate, but without strawberry on MTV Movie Awards next year.

But twilight actors - Werewolves were not so unequivocal to their mischievous friends!

Alex Meraz, playing a rooting of the floor in the twilight saga, shared the following experienced impressions: "It was a damn hard moment. No, then it became funny! I liked it. When it happened, I was crazy, but later I wrote to friends on Twitter that it was. .. fun!"

Tinsel Korea, the executor of the role of Emily, the bride of the leader of flocks is a roar, described the kiss of Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lotter as: "Certainly sexually sex!"

Kais Gordon, playing the best friend Jacob Embami Collov admitted that: "I confess, I almost got stuck."

The rest simply smiled and felt, but all thanked for a memorable show without exception.

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