70th Venice Film Festival: The loudest premieres!


"Trails" John Curran

70th Venice Film Festival: The loudest premieres! 74933_1


The date of the Russian premiere is not defined

In 1977, the woman named Robin Davidson crossed 2,700 kilometers of the Australian desert in the company of four camels, dogs and photographer National Geographic. Later, a photo report was published about this journey. Nowadays, the studio could not miss the story of this stubborn lady. And now today, film critics in Venice are watching the film "Trails", where in the main role of Australian Mia Vasikovsk.

"Joe" David Gordon Green

70th Venice Film Festival: The loudest premieres! 74933_2


The date of the Russian premiere is not defined

In February, we wrote about the Berlin Premiere of the film "Lady Avalanche", after which the director of "pineapple express" and "brave pepper" David Gordon Green (unexpectedly for all) grabbed the "silver bear" for the best director. In his new "very very gloomy" film "Joe" Nicholas Cage playing a former prisoner who takes care of the 15-year-old homeless guy.

"Canyons" Paul Shredder

70th Venice Film Festival: The loudest premieres! 74933_3

Outside the competition

The date of the Russian premiere is not defined

Despite the anti-pirated laws in Russia, foreign trackers work like a clock. Therefore, the film "Canyons" with Lindsay Lohan, in the lead role, looked at everyone. There are a lot of frank scenes and nude Nature Lindsay Lohan, and its partner spoke famous actor porn James Dean. The plot can also describe in one line - "Young Americans in modern Los Angeles in search of themselves, money, power and sex."

"Night Movements" Kelly Rayhardt

70th Venice Film Festival: The loudest premieres! 74933_4


The date of the Russian premiere is not defined

Jesse Eisenberg plays one of the eco-terrorists who intend to blow the dam. Peter Sarsgaard maters a bomb, and Dakota Fanning is all financed. Earlier, the project should have appeared in the project and Rooney Mara, but they refused to favor other filming. We think it is not worse for everyone.

"Filomen" Stephen Fryrza

70th Venice Film Festival: The loudest premieres! 74933_5


The date of the Russian premiere is not defined

A long time for the heroine of Judy Dench - Ireland Filomen Lee - refused his child. Reward, she begins to search for all America. But she does not know that her son is a politician, a lawyer (and a homosexual) is mortally sick of AIDS. But he never stopped looking for his native mother.

"Child of God" James Franco

70th Venice Film Festival: The loudest premieres! 74933_6


The date of the Russian premiere is not defined

James Franco's own films bake like patties. And they consistently appear at all film festivals. "Sado-Mazo Gay Bar" was shown in Berlin, "When I was dying" - in Cannes, and the "child of God" is already in the Venetian competition. This is an adaption of the novel of the Kormak McCarthy, which is very loved in Hollywood. The film is already prophesied for scandalous glory, as the main character, at least a former prisoner, sociopath and sexual pervert, which is outside the society turns into a monster.

"Parceland" Peter Landesman

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The date of the Russian premiere is not defined

"Everyone wants to know" Who killed Kennedy? "However, no one wants the mystery to be revealed" (c) a political drama based on Vincent Buglyosi's book "Restored story: the murder of President John Kennedy." The plot is tied to the events preceding the murder of John Kennedy, the emphasis this time in humans who, one way or another, were drawn into this event. The role of a doctor who first examined Kennedy played Zac Efron.

"The wind fastens" Hayao Miyazak

70th Venice Film Festival: The loudest premieres! 74933_8


The date of the Russian premiere is not defined

This long-awaited Anime film Miyazak is devoted to the famous Japanese Aviation Designer Dziric Khorikoshi, the creator of the A6M Zero fighter. We will get acquainted with the ten-year-old chorike and see how his dream is embodied.

"Kill your favorite" John Kurokdasa

70th Venice Film Festival: The loudest premieres! 74933_9

The date of the Russian premiere is not defined

According to Daniel Radcliffe, he was very afraid to play the role of the poet of Allen Ginzberg, because a) no external similarity and b) Ginzberg is an American Jew from the working class, and Radcliffe British Jew (half) and intellectual. The film will tell how one murder in 1944 will be the starting point for the acquaintance of the Rhodonarchists of the Movement of the Hipsters. Keroaca played Jack Houston, and Berrowza - Ben Foster.

"Theorem Zero" Terry Gilliam

70th Venice Film Festival: The loudest premieres! 74933_10


Premiere in Russia - January 23, 2014

The long-awaited fantastic film Terry Gilliam with Christoph Valts in the role of Computer Genius Cohen Lat. He is looking for a certain strange theorem, which also worries the mysterious manager (Matt Damon). The whole universe is very similar to the world of Orwellovsky "1984".

"Lok" Stephen Knight

70th Venice Film Festival: The loudest premieres! 74933_11

Outside the competition

The date of the Russian premiere is not defined

Ivan Lok lives the usual life, but, in one beautiful (read - terrible) moment, the mysterious phone call makes it start the struggle for your life, overcoming time. In the lead role of Tom Hardy.

"Mebius" Kim Ki Muku

70th Venice Film Festival: The loudest premieres! 74933_12

Outside the competition

Premiere in Russia - November 7, 2013

It is impossible to go around the new film of last year's Venetian triumphant Kim Kim Ki. In South Korea, this film on the status has already been lit to pornography, motivating that "the picture contains the scene of sexual relations between the nearest relatives." Woman, unable to cope with the treason of her husband, is solved on a terrible act. At night, she departs with a knife in the sown's room ...

"Stay in my skin" Jonathan Glaser

70th Venice Film Festival: The loudest premieres! 74933_13


Premiere in Russia - October 2013

The screen version of Michel Faiter's novel. Heroine Scarlett Johansson - Rock Brunette, travels on the roads of Scotland, picking up men-hikers. And then the most interesting begins .... after all, in fact, this is not a woman, but an aliens. Human meat is a delicacy on their planet. I wonder if the number of vegetarians will increase after watching this movie?

"Promise" Patrice Lektonta

70th Venice Film Festival: The loudest premieres! 74933_14

Outside the competition

The date of the Russian premiere is not defined

For many viewers, the film is notable for the fact that Richard Madden is occupied in one of the main roles, he is Robb Stark from the very "Game of Thrones". The events of the paintings are developing shortly before the First World War. The young woman falls in love with the teacher of her husband, but they will be forced to part.

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