Ashton Kutcher on Shaw Jimmy Kimmel


Ashton said how he managed not to spend time on nonsense: "For example, I laid out things in the closet in a certain way. Every morning I dress in a certain order: pants, socks, shirt ... I can get together and get out of the house for a job for 12 minutes. That's how I organize everything around myself. Perhaps I am a little neurasthenik in this regard. But sometimes something happens, which breaks absolutely everything. For example, when football matches were transferred to Thursday! It was terrible! I always planned a week so So that Sunday was free, and I could just watch football. And when they announced changes ... It broke all week. "

The actor told how he visited the garage of Steve Jobs, where he did his first important inventions: "You know, I thought it would be the moment of insight, and I would feel the energy of Apple ... But it was just a garage. But something inspiring There is that it is just a garage. In fact, there were just two guys, their friendship, their ideas, their desire to work. And they built an integer industry out of the garage. "

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