Anna-Sofia Robb in Company magazine. September 2013


About her idols among actors : "I worked with Ellison Jenny and Tony Collett over the summer film" Road, Road Home ". They are just amazing actresses, such natural. On the set I spoke Ellison, I adore her acting game. I think to have fun on the screen and feel such ease, you need to be very confident. I understood - you need to believe in what you can cope with the role. And trust the directors to feel safe and try different things. "

About independent life in New York : "I moved there to be filmed in the Karry Diaries. When I started to live on my own, it was definitely lonely. For me it was for the first time. I left the house alone. For a young girl it can be difficult. My friends who were going to go to the university at that time, felt the same. You change the usual way of life, which was familiar to you all my life when you were surrounded by the same people to meet new people and get a new experience. "

About the role of Carrie Bradschow : "Curry's curly hair is an important part of this character. A wig with curls every time helps me to reincarnate in Carrie on the set. "

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