Salma Hayek in InStyle magazine. Russia. August 2013


"Finally, we find the shelter in the Bel-Air restaurant: glass walls, muted light. We order hot Toddi - here it makes it from an rye whiskey and served in cognac glasses - and talk about Odnoklassniki 2, the summer premiere, where Selma plays with his close friend of Adam Sandler. "What he created is more than a producer company, this is a lifestyle, this is a family," says Hayek. Tonight, a nominee for Oscar is - as well as mom, television and film producer, Public activist and large supplier of registered beauty products - looks amazing. Makeup, remaining with a photo shoot, Golden Necklace Hermès, Black Silk Blouse, Jeans Saint Laurent by Hedi Slimane ... But the origin of the suede jacket is difficult to determine hard. "I'm not a fan brands" - Actress is recognized. It is one and a half meters of growth, Lebanese and Mexican blood, and in addition, it is known to the whole world due to the charming accent, explosive temperament and passionate marriage with French Fashion Magna Tom Francois-Henri Pinot, the father of her daughter Valentina. "I have a taste, I can create a harmonious image, but most of these efforts are for my husband. I want to be beautiful for him. "

The conversation goes to the topic of the Chime For Change Foundation ( organized by Gucci. He uses the influence of Hollywood and the Internet to help women and women in the whole world disgraced in social rights. Those who support the fund, help their own media channels and inform people, and collect funds. Hayek stands at the head of movement along with Beyonce and the creative director of Gucci Frieda Giannini. To explain why this foundation is so necessary, the actress tells the episode from childhood, which made a strong impression on it. "I was eight years old, I walked and suddenly saw a man who beat a woman. Dad wanted to protect her, and my father intervened to help a woman, and she thrown on him! The woman expired in blood, there was no living place on it, but she twisted my dad fists and screamed: "Divided from my man! Let him be hurt if he wants! "

"This scene has influenced me very much," says Hayek. "Why did a woman behave like this? How did it come to this? After all, it is devoid of any logic! That's why it is so important what makes Chime for Change, - first of all, they defend the rights of girls and. Women. Many where in the world still believe that a woman is a man of a second grade, deprived of the most basic rights. With whatever injustice you have come across - among people of any country, race or culture, it will always be that a woman in this situation is still Worse. If we treat domestic violence as something normal, the problem will grow as a snowball. Children grow with confidence that conflicts can be solved violence. Or that humiliate someone in the order of things. "

"My life is about to change," Heek says a dramatic whisper, which is divided by a secret with an old friend. - Valentina five. And now I am offering things about which I could only dream of, the roles that did not hope to get. But I can't not doubt, because such projects will come to leave the house for a long time. Previously, I was taken only for small roles so that after the filming immediately go back to the family - she in the first place. And now I am at a crossroads, because life offers me the possibilities that will require much more from me. Honestly, I panic with thought that the decision should make. " She makes a big sip. "Although I really poisoned if I had no support for my husband. He says: "Come on, do it, you deserve it. And I deserve to see you on the screen. Everyone is deserved to find out what you are capable. You're in debt before yourself. " She leaned back to the back of the chair and grinned - a woman, quite satisfied and calmly hosting his own contradictions.

"The first thing I said, when Francois made me an offer, it was:" I will not move to Paris! " I worked hard and stubbornly to build myself. I already had my own life and my world. I did not want to be a woman who throws everything and moves to another country to become someone else. Then I asked him: "What do we do?" Francois looked at me and replied: "I don't know. We will live day after day. "

"I think that at one time I did not take up the director in full force was a big mistake. So soon, perhaps, I will devote myself exactly, - says Selma. "You know, shooting a movie, I feel the same as drawing pictures: I just don't notice anything around. At these moments I feel absolute happiness and I can completely interchange the world. And the energy is perfectly special. " Interview, designed for an hour, stretched for three. Hayek offers to pay the bill - this is the first such case in the thirty years of my interviews with the stars.

Since my car remained at one of the previous stops - the famous Pink Hotel Beverly Hills, where we unsuccessfully tried to take a table at the Polo Lounge restaurant, Selm suggested that Jerry threw me up after delivering her home. While the car loops on the dark streets, I tell her that it is surprisingly attractive "in real life." "I know, I was always considered a beauty, but I never tried to be the most beautiful in the world," Khajek admits. - I could deal with myself much more - go to the gym or refuse desserts. Or from alcohol. Could make more efforts. But beauty was actually never my main priority. This in me tells the Bunlet Spirit. " Hayek pronounces it with a smooth tone, but it clearly ambiguous refers to the status of a recognized beauty in the world, which often judges women exclusively in appearance.

"I am not always pleased with what I see in the mirror," says Selma. - And sometimes I don't like me at all. But I bloom when the husband makes me compliments. I would like to say I try for myself. But together for seven years, and I am pleased to know that he still considers me an attractive. " The gate opens, and the Black SUV GMC drives into the courtyard. Jerry rises around the car, opens the door and highlights the rural lantern with a flashlight. Here, from somewhere, another guard appears, also a clearly former policeman. The post passed, the post accepted - and I transplant to the front seat and Masha with his hand for farewell.

Text Mike Sieger

Photo Dusan Reljin.

Melissa Rubini style

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