The director of "Gravitations" defended Sandra Bullock at the Studio


Not all worked on creating the film were glad to solve the director and the author of the Scenario of Alfonso Coumarone ("Human Child"), to give the role of Bullock, especially knowing that most of the film her character floats in space.

"When I graduated from the script, they immediately appeared those who said:" Well, we will change the female major role on the male, "the Quaron recalls. - Obviously, they did not have a great power, since now we have what we have. But the sadness itself is the fact that there is such a tendency. "

Traditional Hollywood thinking that science fiction is a purely male genre, with a male audience that wants to see a man in the lead role. Women are usually searched for beloved roles or for minor sexual characters. The exception is the heroine of Ellen Ripley from "Aliens", which is a strong and intelligent woman, Sarah Connor from the Terminator, Princess Leia from "Star Wars" and Dana Scully from the series "Secret Materials". Although Connor and Leia are again considered secondary heroes, and Scully divides on-screen time with their male partner.

"The creation of a female character is a bold act," said Bullock at a press conference on Comic Con. "It's not easy" And well, a woman in space, it's just a person. " There is another situation, it seems to me that you will see something new that you have not seen before. The truth is that women's roles are not so much than male, but recently there are positive shifts. In the end, we are talking about making money, and if the studios will see that women can break the audience, they will begin to shoot with them a movie, and this hope will become the norm. "

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