Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy in Parade magazine. June 2013


Sandra Bullock about working together : "I always wanted to make a film about women-friendly women, such as those in which men are removed. And there is nothing in common with the films where the girls are looking for guys or buy shoes. I looked at the "bachelorette party in Vegas" and thought: "That would be Melissa McCarthy agreed to work with me." In the first week, I wondered: "What does she do? But there is no script. " I was the only classic actress in the room, the full masters of improvisation and the genre stand-up. In this case, the main thing is to just listen to what she tells you. "

Melissa McCarthy about Sandra : "Another when we were not familiar personally - do not listen, and then come to know, - I was asked who I think funny. And I replied that you. I like to watch a person who simply agrees everything and does not worry how stupid awkward or awful will look. "

Sandra about motherhood : "Every second, every day I do not know if I am a bad mom. But at the end of the day I always think, whether it did enough. Perhaps I should move in another direction? But at the same time I know for sure that my whole life revolves around Louis. "

Melissa about glory and paparazzi : "A stranger can not be allowed to photograph your child and sell snapshots for the sake of profits. They think that they get a product. But this is not a product, this is a child. "

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